Beautiful White Teen Dies in Her Mother’s Arms After Getting Stabbed by Her Vibrant Aztec Coworker

No, I didn’t say anything of the kind.

Kinda my point. white nationalists are afraid brown people are going to steal their fairly stolen land :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, unless you are full blooded American Indian you are an immigrant or descendant of.

If you are here legally you enjoy the full protection of the law of the jurisdictions you are in. If you are here illegally you enjoy those protections as well, except of course you could be prosecuted for your illegal status. If you murder you should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, no matter your (or your victim’s) immigration status, skin color, blah, blah, any other attribute splitters like to cling onto.

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How many times must I post this? I said, we already have enough “home grown monsters” to sort out; so why would anyone in their right mind want to allow the importation of more?

I thought the ancestors of so called Native Americans crossed the once existing land bridge from Siberia into North America. image Unless Africa being the Cradle of Life, is just a crock of shit; and humans just popped up on every continent separately. Hmmmmmmmmm

Yes, that’s the current teaching. But what would be your point?

The point is, if true, then so called Native Americans are nothing more than the descendants of immigrants also.

Who displaced nobody by trekking over. So you have a people with 10,000 plus years of residency and along comes the European and within a couple hundred years of genocide it’s over. Immigration btw isn’t the problem.

Native tribes were notorious for attacking other tribes, raping women, taking slaves, wholesale slaughter of other tribes. Do some research.

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Correct, the history of humanity is replete with violence. Native Americans fought amongst themselves and they made peace treaties amongst themselves. The eastern tribes were quite advanced and the founders borrowed on some of their political systems.

But what’s your larger point, that because native Americans at times fought amongst themselves that it was fair game for Europeans to come over and engage in genocide against them?

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The point is, greed, lust, jealousy, coveting, is part of the human condition. We have been killing each other since our ancestors left the trees. Contrary to what Liberals want to believe, this behavior is really not Trump’s fault. I must still research to be sure Trump did not sink the Titanic or cause the Black Plague.

Yeah, I don’t know anybody claiming that all that is Trump’s fault.

Well, you cannot possibly know every Liberal.

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Am I reading you right?
Don’t you mean black muggers?

Black on black violence is legendary.

A country which can send men to the moon can deal with violent criminals, but it won’t. Why?
There is something fishy about America’s high crime rate.

Another point. “Native Americans” were not the first in the Americas.
“Native Americans” genocided “Native Native Americans.”

No, I meant what I said.

Actually, you don’t. You didn’t ignore them in this thread, for example.

You get insulting remarks because your posts are stupid and insulting. I don’t see that changing any time soon.

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As I don’t see anything valuable coming from you anytime soon.

People who engage other posters as “stupid” as you regularly do are not only violating forum rules, but the rules of civility. You cannot quote me ever calling you or anyone else stupid.

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You made up that lie too.

Never have I called you stupid.


Something tells me you’re not an advocate of ‘All human life is precious unto god’ Jim? Am I right, or am I right? :wink:

Why the fuck don’t you guys bring Alcatraz back to life for these mutants? But first of all, infect it with the Ebola virus; then drop them off there and forget all about them? It won’t cost the US taxpayer a silver dollar?