Beautiful White Teen Dies in Her Mother’s Arms After Getting Stabbed by Her Vibrant Aztec Coworker

I prefer feeding them into a wood chipper feet first but with properly applied and located tourniquets to ensure they are conscious throughout.

Rehabbing Alcatraz would cost tens of billions of dollars at least.

“Innocent life” is precious, the lives of capital offenders are meaningless.

If they repent and beg forgiveness in their last moments on earth their reward will be in heaven, not here.

Why don’t you give us a list of say 5 beautiful, young, white girls who have committed similar grisly murders over the last decade?

There is behavior that immediately divorces one from the human race; and if no longer human, you no longer deserve to be treated as human.

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One of my favorite axioms.

“The value of your life is determined by how you live it”.

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Why revamp Alcatraz; just dump em there and drop food once a month. Bread & water. They’d probably eat the weakest sooner or later. Every so often air drop ten or fifteen 55 gallon drums of raw sewage from 2,000 feet. Just to keep em active & moving. Surprise them like they surprised their victims. Night would be best.

Which would of course pretty well violate most of the criminal code and our constitution.

We aren’t that kind of country and never will be.

[quote=“TWR, post:85, topic:6964, full:true”]

“Innocent life” is precious, the lives of capital offenders are meaningless.

If they repent and beg forgiveness in their last moments on earth their reward will be in heaven, not here.[/quote]

And anyone who believes that will believe anything - even NASA’s codswallop. Oh but you do, doncha? :grin: