Basic Rights in the US

Then you are also against having discretionary income. After your overhead is covered, you should have no profit either.

You can have government assigned housing and government allotted food. Government allotted clothing.

If you reject this personally, why impose it simply because it is a corporation?

Intellectual property is very different. It’s not physical. Also, you are begging the question.

ain’t that the truth DMK, I tell you I’m tired of people who pay NO taxes telling me I should pay more taxes… Oh and that I should pay more for my health care if I make more money and then cover their lazy asses, What the hell is wrong with lettists

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Taken as industries. It’s cute that you think the public sector is empathetic to your wants.

Yet everyone must contribute evenly?

They have never had to deal with or within the real world.

They truly believe government is on their side. The truth of the matter is that it is not.

They think they matter as an individual. The truth of the matter is they do not. The government sees them as nothing more than a number.

They don’t understand freedom because they have never had it taken away.

So many are so far removed from hearing the stories of the Great Depression or even being able to relate to 2008 and the nest eggs people built over a lifetime that were obliterated.

It is just… free. Cause that is what we had growing up and what we are entitled to.

Trade secrets aren’t the same. It’s confidential information that is protected against being leaked or “stolen”, but once it’s known to others, there is no recourse against those who use it.

The Charlie Gard thing doesn’t require a universal healthcare system to happen.

I swear you must read my mind at times DMK, Ive said that exact same thing to leftist snowflakes.
none of them know nothing about the financial crisis 2008, or the stagnation of the 70’s, the great depression or even a damn thing about the USSR.

One snowflake was shocked when I told him about a client that used to live in the USSR , who had a brother that escaped in the 1980’s and his family paid the price dearly.

Including being toss of the list of buying a car, his father was a local manager at one of the factories

The snowflakes talk about how wonderful communism is and when I tell them stories how the average russian worker waited 7 years before they got a car, how they use to go to several grocery stores to pick up what they need for food, they have a blank look on their face

he told me personally his father Went down to the local government office , submit a written request to buy a car, it took two to three years before you even found out you are approved and once you are approved you waited another two to three years for delivery.

And all that was taken away because he brother escaped .
mind you life changed for them under Gorbachev and when the USSR dissolved they all moved, the money they saved from selling crap on the black market, they picked up and moved to the States and never went back to Russia

Ask any Russian who lived under their system what it was like and why they love America and hates communism

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uh huh, and what do you think my point was?

I think the basic right we have given up is the right to freedom from government interference.

I have stated before and I will say again.

Way before I should EVER been allowed to read on such a graphic level.

I somehow snuck the book, “An American in the Gulag”. I could not put it down.

It forever impressed upon me just how damn good we have it here and to never, ever forget how absolutely bad it could be should the leftists get their way and the unintended consequences of such.

I cannot like this post enough.

Some welcome it with open arms. Some do not.

I couldn’t agree more, I honestly wish that I could round up all the snowflake leftist and ship them to venezuela for 3 months and then lets hear what they really think , half of them will be calling mommy and daddy by the time the weekend is over and begging them to send a plane ticket to get them out of there.

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You have tried unsuccessfully to convince me that IP should not be protected. Try something besides “proof by belligerent assertion”

It won’t happen. Boiling frog and all.

On the old board I was on the liberals lamented that once the boomers are gone they can have free reign to correct our mistakes. As though boomers are a pox on society.

When it becomes “their turn” and they want more to raise their families than they want to give to lost causes they will find themselves echoing us and wondering where the hell their head was.

That UHC will characteristically lead to similar situations. My point is that there isn’t anything special about UHC that we should suspect it to be the cause.

I never said that it should not be protected, only that it’s quite different from physical property. But, I do think equating the two is laughable and I gave a very good reason for thinking that they shouldn’t be equated. The difference I offered gets at the heart of the relevant distinction between physical property and IP.

You should also learn the differences between “socialism” and social democracy.