Basic Rights in the US

California has 140 miles of fence. That will slow the wild life but not much else.


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A right to healthcare is not coherent, but I don’t see how such a right would result in this.

Horse hockey, the only person making such an idiotic argument is yourself.

All you’re doing is once again deflecting and attempting to derail the discussion.

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If the wall were unpopular Trump would have never been elected.

We’re not a mob, we’re not a direct democracy. Trump was elected to do certain things and building the wall was at the top of the list.

There is no possible way to physically secure a 2,000 mile border without effective physical barriers. There is no one on earth with any security experience much less expertise that can or will say otherwise unless they are lying.

We all know this to be true whether you and yours will admit it or not.

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Polling shows it is unpopular.

The president is unpopular. He was when he was elected and it’s even worse now.

He ran on Mexico paying for the wall, not for you and I.

The first duty of any national or federal gov’t is to establish and enforce it’s borders.

You cannot have a taxpayer funded welfare state that won’t eventually collapse without effective barriers to control immigration period.

We have a current backlog of over 800,000 immigration cases already and when detainees are released into the community 90% simply disappear into the crowd never to be heard from again.

From the moment of their release they become a drain on our economy and a burden on the taxpayers that gets exponentially worse the longer they stay.

Even if we ignored everything else in Toto the crimes committed by illegals justifies securing the border as every crime committed by illegals who have no right to be here in the first place is completely preventable.

“Americans commit crimes too!”. So what? They have a right to be here in the first place and our gov’t has s duty to deal with them and that burden is shared by the taxpayer.

“Immigrants are more law abiding than Natives!” Legal immigrants tend to be for sure as they don’t want to be deported and were willing to follow our laws to get here in the first place, illegals are not. If they are willing to get here by whatever means necessary they are also willing to survive and stay here by any means necessary. The bulk of the crimes committed by illegals are committed against other illegals to begin with. Remove them all and reduce the load on the system dramatically. Up to a quarter of those serving felony sentences in the federal prison system are illegals, if they’d never been here to start with we could reduce those costs conceivably by a quarter or more.

The cost of incarceration for felons can run anywhere from 35K for those in General Population to over a million a year for those held in solitary or max facilities and that doesn’t even begin to address the costs of apprehension, trial, providing atty’s for them at TP expense and on and on.

I"m sure you think you have a point here somewhere.

I don’t care how it is paid for, it’s the basic duty of gov’t to establish and enforce our border.

It doesn’t matter if Trump went to 1% popularity in “the polls” the day after inauguration, he was still elected to enact a specific agenda by those that put him into office.

Again, we are not a nation of mob rule nor a direct democracy. We are a constitutional republic and our constitution doesn’t change with the whims of the mob.

Polls are nothing but a snapshot of small groups and their opinions from any moment in time, to govern by them would lead us into ruin.

So will following the direction of a habitual liar… but yet here you are.

When you resort to such things it’s obvious you never had a valid argument from the start.

You out yourself often and obviously.

TWR, why are you telling me this?

I know this already, do you think Im against having a wall or border security?

Sounds like projection buddy…

Dispute this

Unpopular President
Unpopular Wall
Habitual liar

That combo makes you believe that a wall will be be built?

Unpopular with those who would vote for that liar, Hillary, to be sure.

And the wall isn’t that unpopular outside of those circles either.

This isn’t about Hilary. She isn’t president. Trump lies just fine without Hilary being around.

Physical barriers are going to start being replaced/upgraded and new barriers built whether congress cooperates or no and despite whatever the polls are showing on any given day.

Trump has unconditional constitutional and statutory power to do so in the name of national security by declaring an emergency no matter what leftwing judges try to do to stop him.

Short of the SCOTUS slapping him down he’s going to do it and the constitutional/legal basis for doing so is unambiguous.

It’s called a discussion. People who agree can actually discuss the finer points of policies that they approve of overall.

This would open pandora box for future presidents to declar emergencies for anything they deem a “threat” to national security. Nobody has shown why it is an emergency today and not an emergency in 2017.

There’s been a crisis at the border and in the immigration courts for over a decade, that democrats have pretended otherwise won’t change the facts.

The number of victims of illegal alien criminals is all that is necessary to justify the move and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

We’ll mobilize an entire theater of military assets in response to a terrorist strike on any US target at home or abroad and there’s only been one such incident in US history that killed and maimed more people than are killed and maimed by illegals in the US each yer.

There’s no “Pandora’s Box” in this type of action, the precedent is more than two hundred years old.

Hell our first war as a nation was over a handful pirate incidents threatening US shipping by seizing a few cargo ships and impressing their crews…

And Republicans…

No it isn’t enough justification to declare a national emergency. George Bush didn’t even use national emergency powers for Katrina… how is this crisis bigger than that?

Yes. I’m sure you would have no problem having a national security declared for single payer or climate change initiatives. Lack of healthcare kills more people than illegal aliens

Illegal crossings in the San Diego area, where most of the barrier is, have dropped some 90%.