Baby Boomers Need to Hurry Up and Die

Whenever you get in trouble why do you bring up your veteran status? I’m a vet and you have no problem shitting all over me.

Fact is you just told people they should be willing to give up their jobs and fight while you sit your happy ass overseas. Bullshit.

STFU! You know nothing about me or what my situation is! Got any more original one liners to prop up your self edifying whining?

And with it goes the maturity, experience and the work ethic.

It’s why employers prefer the older Americans vs the kiddies.

And they will retire when they want to, just like the previous generations.

I know you’re sitting your fat happy ass overseas and telling other people they should be the ones giving up their livelihoods.

Belly up to the bar big man. Get on a plane and get your ass back here.

Yeah I figure you go there! I shit on you because you are an idiot and didn’t show me the same respect! It goes both ways

It was within a context of a larger argument. Try to use your critical thinking skills and try to keep up!

Your envy and jealously is not doing you any favors in supporting your loser mentality and arguments here.

That’s fine. You can shit all over me if you want to. I still have the right to express my opinion here. Unlike you I don’t wallow in the realm of personal attacks. If I see some hypocrisy though I’m going to call it out. Like when I see you telling people they don’t have the courage to do what needs to be done to fight in the streets for their country, against their fellow countrymen, while you sit your fat ass overseas. That has nothing to do with being a vet by the way so don’t use that to squirm your way out of an argument.

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Say what you will about me. I’m hoping for collapse. I want to live through every second of it. I’m not a coward living overseas and telling other people to do what I don’t have the balls myself to do. Be honest with yourself.

Yeah well if I thought your reading comprehension abilities had an ounce of intellectual honesty to them as well as using critical thinking skills to know the reference I was making was in the larger point of being apathetic then I actually might treat you with a little more respect. But as it is you already shown your true colors by making broad assumptions about me and where I am in life. You do much to expose such ignorance! Bravo!

You want to critique my reading skills? Scroll up homie. You told @Longo

Big words from a man who lives overseas and doesn’t have to do any of that.

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Well good for you, you must be a real joy to be around with!

blah blah blah blah! Talking out of your rectum again?

Just stop posting @Dr_Manhattan you just got assblasted and you know it. You’re flailing around isn’t making you look any better :rofl:

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This is how stupid you are, and how your disingenuous nature shows!

Intelligent people actually know the meaning between was is rhetorical and was is literal. You have’t figured that part out. I guess its that HSD that has served you well that you can make such distinctions!

What are you a 12 year old ? Grow the fuck up!

What? Getting a welfare check living on a base in Korea? Yeah Ok! Project much?

He does this all day while claiming to be a military veteran millionaire who lives in Japan or some shit, while also being unable to write like someone with a high school diploma

What about me? To quote Yosemite Sam I’m not only from the South, I’m in it!

You are exhibiting some grade A Bravo Sierra in this thread.

“magical thinking” is the term I previously applied. Yes, you are different than those idiots going on about Revolution as if once they tear down the civilization the just and fair world will suddenly materialize … but the differences don’t disqualify you from having magical thinking … it’s not “realistic” at all to think you can build up by tearing down.

But back up a minute: are you really THAT different from the far Left? The far Left trades in the currency like the color of one’s skin or ethnicity saying something ineffiable about who people are, can be and should be … I’m seeing some of that with the far “right”. Then there’s … well, WHAT do you think we should have in place of capitalism … which is, as I said earlier, a system rooted in voluntary exchange? What system that’s not Left Wing do you want if you don’t want one that features voluntary participation?

Singing into your echo chamber are ya?

He has no credibility at this point. He points his finger and tells people to fight in the streets – calling them cowards if they don’t – while he is thousands of miles away and won’t have to get involved. Homeboy just wants to LARP.

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I guess I should feel sorry about doing really well on the ASVAB and getting a technical job. Don’t be mad that I was too smart to be a grunt bullet catcher. Don’t be jealous either.