I personally wouldn’t use that kind of language…
Could pose legal problems for you in some settings.
I personally wouldn’t use that kind of language…
Could pose legal problems for you in some settings.
Monte, Maybe it could be considered an extreme statement, but it’s from being increasingly annoyed by politicians self serving attitudeand voters being dumb enough to reelect them.
That’s all I’m saying, and we live in a time when people are being charged as terrorists, put on certain lists, etc., and that really wrecks peoples lives.
Mitt Romney being the poster child of self serving! Honestly I don’t know how these people can call themselves Americans when they manipulate politics of their elected positions for their own gains!
More importantly they would stand to lose many seats in the house and most importantly probably five to seven electoral votes.
Wherever they be, liberals are highly dangerous because of their naivete. They’re adult children whose minds haven’t matured with the years. 'Twas ever thus.
That’s all I’m saying, and we live in a time when people are being charged as terrorists, put on certain lists, etc., and that really wrecks peoples lives.
That reminds me of a question I’ve asked many times which never gets an answer; the question is ‘What’s the bloody point of the surveillance of suspected terrorists if nothing can be done with them until after they’ve committed an atrocity?’
I thought Trump was supposed to be doing that…
In the UK MI5 is foiling plots by using surveillance. They raid the terrorists’ arms or explosives cache and detain the people who have planned it all. Mostly we never hear about it, and they would prefer that terrorists were not aware of the techniques used to track their activities.
Obviously a few instances slip past the surveillance…
Do you live here or in the US. Either way, how do you know all of that?
I live here, where do you live?
Occasionally there is a statement from the MSM concerning plots that have been foiled, usually accompanied by pictures when there is something to show. Whilst one has to take everything with a pinch of salt, the existence of the activities of the security services is occasionally revealed in a bid to emphasise the need for vigilance and the fact that efforts are delivering fruit.
I live here too. I believe not a word that government or the MSM say. They have to sound up-beat for precisely the kind of scenarios I mentioned; in other words, there’s nothing that can be done to stop them carrying out an atrocity. In fact it’s only a matter of time before the ‘innocent until proven guilty’ precept has to be reversed, otherwise they have a free run. They don’t care about being banged up for a few months, or dying in the atrocity itself.
Well, it’s not always after, the FBI has thwarted many terrorist plots, foreign and domestic.
Lol, those are elected positions.
The last announcement that I remember hearing was Theresa May making a comment on-camera concerning the activities of MI5. Since the whole scene is covered by the Official Secrets Act there is never going to be a whole lot of discussion.
Trump can’t remove anyone from congress nor did he say he would.
Well, certainly a number of his supporters right here are calling for him to, and worse, ban them from America for dissent they don’t like…
Go out side on the next sunny day and put your hands in the dirt! I mean really putt them in the dirt, even if a small patch in your back yard or somewhere and even you have to take a shovel to loosen the dirt enough to sink your hands in it!. Tell me what the first thought that enters your mind will be or what you will feel? Then take deep breathes as more thoughts enter your mind!
What do law abiding citizens do when elected officials turn their backs on them? In case anyone is not aware, we elect people to provide services to the law abiding.
More correctly we elect them to preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution. Bending to the will of the Majority has done more to harm this country than anything else.
Without The Constitution anchoring us and tempering the will of the majority we’re reduced to nothing but rule by emotion and mob tactics.