It really truly is. I don’t say that in a conceited sense either, I have simply crawled out of the abyss that was my upbringing, and learned how to get along with myself.
But please don’t let yourself get the idea that my life is any better than yours. I’m no better or worse than anyone.
He who lives off the lands has no need to prep. He is already prepared. Feel free to tag me in any threads/posts about the topic, I love those types of conversations. I have a green thumb, can shelf-stabilize eggs, and know how to gut and clean anything with fur or feathers. Knowledge is free in my opinion.
Last year we hired a new college grad to help me. She is a great worker. A few years before, same… though a little bossy and passive aggressive. The only thing in common was they both studied in the technical fields… engineering and physics.
No I don’t, but I sometimes wish in some ways I made different choices earlier on in life. I had a taste of your lifestyle many years shortly after my father passed away. My mother left behind a lucrative career to raise and breed race horses, so after spending time on her farm in a rural area those memories are always with me in terms of time well spent with nature.
Yes it is true. The best music to me is hearing mother Earth sing. There are questions, but I am in the process of a meditating vibe lately and will sure to take you up on your offer. Thanks.
I am really fascinated by this guy in the video up above in how he came to arrive and do all this building on his own. What a life to have!
I want to keep this thread going, but I am thinking of changing this threads title, as it appears it has negative connotations. What would suggest it should be?
Perhaps a new thread would be better. This one is more of a debate thread than a sharing thread. Perhaps something like, “Outdoor living, farming, and just generally being in-tune with the land.” where we can share methods of cropping/grazing/maintenance and any other ingenious methods people have of building things to achieve a desire.
Today is my last day of doctor appointments for the month, so I’ll be free to join in for most of the weekend.
I work incredibly hard every single day. I hold down full-time technical work in the aviation industry and I am going to school. In fact a lot of people my age work very hard in a variety of industries, that’s why we are the largest segment of the workforce demographically.
What hate am I filled with? You can’t exactly call me a white nationalist because I’m not white. Like I’ve said on countless posts already, mystery meat. My complexion is somewhere between mulatto and quadroon.
I’m not happy with the direction that the Trump Administration has gone in. I didn’t vote to Make Israel Great Again and to import people into this country at the highest levels ever seen. I voted to build a wall and for mass deportations. Where are we on that?
Since none of that is going to happen and we are going to keep handing billions of dollars to Israel instead of using that money to put America first, I would rather have someone like Yang get in so that way when promises to hand out $1,000 to everybody, they don’t get it, riots ensue. It’s guaranteed. In fact I’m counting on that entitlement culture that you talk about. It’s that entitlement culture that will provide payback for getting screwed over by Trump. Congress will never allow Yang, or anyone, to hand out $1000 a month to everyone. When they don’t get “their money” there will be destruction.
Where do you come up with this steaming garbage? We essentially memed Trump into the White House. The far right controls internet culture whether you want to believe that or not. If we want to get Yang in we will get him in. This all about payback for being stabbed in the back.
You should be screaming at the house and senate who are doing shit to fix our broken immigration laws, asylum laws. You should b pissed as hell that th congress wouldn’t fund border security. You should be pissed as hell at congress who sits back doing nothing as pope pour into the US and are released as congress refused to fund more facilities to keep the illegals incarcerated. You should be pissed that the congress doesn’t;t add 5000 judges to deport the lieges and asylum seekers.
And the only thing you can do is bitch about Trump who would love to have support from congress.
This country wastes over 100 billion a year supporting the illegals the congress does nothing about and you bitch about Israel.
You’re so uninformed about how this country runs you must be a millennial as you certainly need the schooling, try a HS government class.
Sadly we are and we’ll see an ever growing trend of more and more violence heading into the 2020 elections.
If Trump wins and certainly if he does so with the coattails to win back the house and increase republican control in the Senate it’s all but guaranteed that the left is going to to go full throttle on trying to burn the country down.
Eventually something has to give.The Elites on both sides continually screw Joe Lunch Bucket. Repubs and Dems blow smoke up our ass ,take money from PACS, Lobbyists and wealthy individuals.
With the constant sowing of discord among voters, they ensure we are to divided to rebel( Divide and Conquer).
The Liberals are opposed to any citizenship question because states like COMMIEFORNIA would loose taxpayer money to subsidize the CODDLING of Illegals and loose some Reps in the House. So they promote racism as a way to divide people and portray these poor people without ANY LEGAL RIGHT to be here as deserving every benefit possible
The Liberals propaganda machine ( CNN) inflames the issue by putting crying children in front of cameras.
It’s up to LEGAL CITIZENS to demonstrate in front of the Capitol Building and say enough is enough. And what will it take to remove the deadwood in Congress besides removing them at gunpoint.