Come on Monte, what about ANTIFA and BLM. These are Leftist organizations that openly disrupt protests and interferes with others free speech. BLM isn’t a fraternal black social organization. Remember what happened in Ferguson. Those buildings weren’t destroyed as part of an urban renewal project.
ANTIFAS protests haven’t exactly been peaceful in Portland Oregon.
I’m a Vietnam vet. Saw some terrible things. Probably did some things that could be considered terrible. Came home to an unwelcoming country. Didn’t phase me. I really did not want to be there; but I wasn’t about to just lay down & die. I just wanted to get it over with. I never thought about greasing myself. My father was with OSS 101 ( Burma ); and what he saw made Vietnam look like a walk in the park. He never thought about greasing himself.
I tend to agree with those who believe that the Tea Party–unfortunately–is now dead.
As Wikipedia puts it: " [Some] commentators…believed…the Tea Party to be dead or in decline. [Paul] Jossey, for example, argued that the Tea Party ‘began as an organic, policy-driven grass-roots movement’ but was ultimately 'drained of its vitality and resources by national [political action committees]…that dunned the movement’s true believers endlessly for money to support its candidates and causes."
I would like very much to think otherwise.
But this appears, sadly–to me, at least–to be the truth…
I wonder if what is now called the “Freedom Caucus” is what replaced it? The part that gets in the way of true policy that sticks more to its core beliefs is the money and all its trappings. Such as the “Libertarian Party” they do enough to get their federal funding each election cycle then disappear for another 4 years thus the two party system continues its adversarial dichotomy in benefit of their big exclusive clubs.
That’s the whole idea of the United States.
Make it ultimately difficult for the government to interfere with the affairs and everyday lives of the citizens, without denying the necessary existence of government.