It’s not smart for patriots to talk about “civil war”. We live in a democratic republic. It’s not perfect – and there never has been and never will be a perfect democratic republic, because of the way human beings are. Christians call it “original sin” and I’ll go along with them on that.
It has been a remarkably successful country, not least in its ability to absorb tribal groups, overcome historic injustices, and provide a decent life for all who are willing to work for it.
It has also been the mainstay of democratic liberties in the world. Yes, and at the same time, it’s been colonialist and imperialist. Marxists would call its dual nature a ‘contradiction’ – but one that has tended to fade with time. The people of its main colony, Puerto Rico, don’t want to leave. And literally tens, hundreds, of millions of people all over the world are willing to spend their entire savings, and risk their lives, for the chance of getting here.
So anyone who wants to radically alter this situation, and roll the dice on getting something better is a … well, let’s say they lack a central conservative value, prudence, as well as judgement.
However … nothing lasts forever. We have seen a deep sea-change in the attitude of our ruling elite, especially its younger generations, towards this country. Namely, to put it baldly, many of them despise it. They certainly despise its bottom half, whom they consider their social inferiors.
[Incidentally, this change is reflected in the majority of the people who consider themselves ‘progressives’ or ‘socialists’: the old Left saw the working class – of all colors, and with all its backward consciousness (from the Marxist viewpoint) as the liberator of humanity. The modern Left has utter contempt for them.]
It’s not unusual in history for the ‘cultural apparatus’ of a country to despise it, and want a radical change: pre-revolutionary France, pre-revolutionary Russia, and pre-revolutionary China were like this.
A large section of the European intelligentsia during most of the 20th Century, despised their own countries, and sought to remodel them with the Soviet Union as exemplar.
But for a large segment of the ruling elite – not just the teachers and professors and other brain-workers – to move away from fundamental loyalty towards their own country is, in my knowledge, unprecedented.
I have no explanation for this phenomenon, although I have a few ideas about its possible cause. If anyone else does, please tell me. (But don’t say, “It’s all George Soros’ fault”.)
And, just to complicate matters, this is taking place alongside – perhaps influenced by – two unstoppable trends: the rise of Communist China, which will relatively soon surpass the US in economic and military strength, and the decline of the economic power, and wealth, of the ‘traditional’ working class.
So we don’t know what’s coming. Today was like yesterday and tomorrow will probably be like today … but to do an indefinite linear projection of this sequence would be to ignore history.
Therefore, the prudent thing for patriots to do is to prepare.
Prepare for what?
For a breakdown in the social/civil/legal/economic order, from whatever cause. It might be temporary (depending on your viewpoint, every disaster is temporary, even if it lasts for a century); it might be partial, and/or geographically limited: the riots of 2020, when the civil power retreated in the face of a mob which felt it had the moral authority to burn down buildings, is an example.
But whatever, the wise citizen will enable himself to ‘sit it out’ for a few months, if necessary.
But … a hundred isolated households, no matter how well prepared – even with every house surrounded by razor wire and guarded with camouflaged Claymore mines – will be far, far weaker than a hundred households that have formed an organization, trained, set up a command structure, taken advantage of the division of labor and assigned people to the various roles that are normal in conflict situations: intel, comms, security, logistics, transport, engineering, medical, and, in the current situation, legal and public relations.
(About the only plus from our recent foreign wars is that as a result of them we have a fair number of veterans, who would play key roles in a community defense team.)
That’s the sort of organization we need. Not a ‘militia’, and not overtly political: open to all patriots, regardless of tribal heritage, and regardless of their formal political beliefs.
We have some embryonic examples in a few places, but nothing like what we need.