Amy Coney Barrett - Confirmed as Supreme Court Justice

Yes this is all they have been waiting for, the Fall of America will mean International Communism for everyone. They will FORCE the Satanic Agenda on EVERYONE and Communism is Satanic, it’s why any show of Christian symbolism or worship is like Kryptonite to them, they literally go berserk at ANYTHING Christian and we do note they do not have the same reaction to the Quasi-Religion of Islam for example, it’s just ANYTHING Jesus Christ that they HATE.

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I just cannot agree with you more.
The US Supreme Court has been compromised, to put it mildly, but now changes are coming.

Congrats, good ol’ USA

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I hope you are stocked up on Water, Ammo and food! Its going to get hairy for awhile.

My advice is for everyone if they can on or before Election Night is to get out of the city, the cities are going to be the most dangerous because most cities are where the Unhinged Left are going to be and there will be violence and if they see anyone who looks like a Trump Supporter they will attack them and the police have been compromised and will probably not intervene, the police have no problem ganging up on someone for not wearing a mask or for not social distancing but they don’t seem to stop these Leftist thugs from beating up a Trump Supporter or a Veteran etc

The only type of Law Enforcement that are probably going to stand with Patriots will be the Sheriff’s.

So my advice is for everyone in a city to go into the country or at least somewhere OUTSIDE the city.

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Siding with any side isn’t acceptable. Justices are suppose to rule on the constitutionality of a law presented with the facts not a party line.

Its why she was a good choice, however, I was hoping Trump would have chosen Loguano instead, but still a good choice.


Locked and Loaded > Not going anywhere :us:

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Wow! Look who just got unhinged! You put Chernobyl to shame! :rofl: Great job!

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Cocaine Mitch says it best! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wake up and smell the coffee.
That’s not how it is in the US which has been in the hands of the Bolsheviks for so long.

Right! Because you are a US citizen and you know more than anybody else here! (sarcasm)
The Digipoo smelling his own farts again! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You’re so idiotic you don’t understand the danger the whole of humanity is facing.

The US is a test case, so to speak, and when the US falls, it’s adios humanity.

It’s not just the Americans but the whole world that is heaving a sign of relief as a result of the confirmation.

Blah, blah blah. More fear mongering on your part and making excuses so you can get attention again. You are the big idiot for thinking this judicial appointment has any bearing on you which anybody reading your post has to laugh to see how stupid it is. Our issues are of no concern to you, and you should mind your own business and focus on your own country’s issues, yet you spill into every thread here with you asinine opinions, your splaining to everyone of no related topics and making everything into conspiracy theories that no one really cares about. I am surprised you haven’t mentioned the JOOOOOOOs yet! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Give it time, I am sure you find a way to do that too!

And you’re so intune with what is happening in the US. NOT!

Ever read any decisions made by the court with the responses from the justices?

Have any clue on the background of the justices or their prior decisions or are you just passing shit as usual???

That swearing in ceremony last night was disgusting.

Also, Justice Handmaid’s Tale is a shitty public speaker. Like Trump reading on a teleprompter levels of public speaking, but more pathetic.

It’s not just this. I think that the 5-3 decision yesterday potentially allowing Wisconsin Republicans to toss out ballots which arrive after Nov. 3 should close the book on the question of whether we need to expand the court.

If we have the power, we need to undo what the Republicans have cynically pushed through or be subject to the tyranny of the minority for years to come.

Just do it.

Is a snake of the worst kind !!!

Are you guys mad that you can’t rig the election and cause total chaos in the ballot count? Please…stay mad.


And what if Trump wins and both houses get red ? :rofl: :rofl: