55 Miles of Border Wall -- WINNING

Forget the parties and their egos.

Think without party … Without talking points. Either side. Who cares about the R or D? They are out for themselves. We are here for each other as Americans.

Drugs, human trafficking, sex slavery…all because of an ego squabble between parties?

Geeze, this should be something all are on board with. Political party be damned.

Care to provide some context??? :confused:

I agree they can’t be ignored.

In some way they were helped. in others, they were hurt.

But the rise in teh number of insured americans is an overall positive in my estimation, and therefore, I believe we are on the right track.


There has been two years of bloviating on this subject. Now they mean it?

My pleasure.

Common courtesy seems to be so lost these days.

These people have to think about re-election. It’s a shame, but that’s the truth.

But ok - illegal crossings have been trending down. Most illegals in the US aren’t here because they crossed the southern border. Most drugs don’t come across the borders, they come through the points of entry.

Human trafficking I don’t know about - but will gladly read your research if you provide it.


Many young people choose not to be insured, rather than having to take the all or nothing Obamacare offerings.

With cheaper catastrophic offerings, more young people might be more inclined to enroll. That is the problem with big Government.

One size doesn’t fit all.

Capitalism understands that simple concept. Big government never will.

Once again, simply because you aren’t privy to what has been going on behind closed doors you assume nothing has taken place.

You are feeding the trolls again!

My! How short on memory they are or either that they are purposely being disingenuous in their knowledge of such histories and this is why liberals suck to talk to, they can never have an ounce of intellectual honesty in their conversations! Its pointless!

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Darling. You can be insured to the hilt.

Can you pay the deductible or co-pay?

If you think for one second the insurance companies made out like bandits prior to Obama Care? This has been a Godsend for them.

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Drugs come through ports of entry because border agents are tied up on our porous border. With strategic barriers, more border agents could be freed up to strengthen the ports of entry.


With big government, its all about the optics. Having insurance and being able to use that insurance are two very different things.

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I hear what you are saying.

I’m actually in a talkative mood tonight and am enjoying the back and forth - as long as it remains civil and free of LW talking points.

This is what the Democrats want for the United States

There is absolutely nothing that I can provide to you to change your perceptions.

Human trafficking is awful. An industry created simply to exploit the loopholes of border security the D’s and R’s can’t seem to agree on.

I won’t provide you the research. I did it on my own. You should as well.

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Courtesy…interesting choice of word.

You’re welcome. …

That’s a trump campaign memo he released during the capping explaining how Mexico would pay for the wall.

Still looking for the context. The PDF contents don’t dispute anything I stated. :confused:

Comical to think anyone actually envisioned a Pacific to Gulf barrier.

One mile at a time, where it is needed most as per the border agents.

Lots more scanners and doggies sniffing at the ports of entry.

Sounds like the best plan to me.

One more thing I would add is a border crossing fee. Consider it a user fee for border security.

Get really crazy and say Mexico is buying.
