2020 Race Riots - Open General

Of course. Basically the officer is being tried in the court of public opinion based solely on optics.

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Just another cohencidence? or more than that?


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And who owns the media?


Why was there not any riots when this lady was killed by a black police officer?


Poor Little Hegel doesn’t understand logic and reason…or law and order. The looting and pillaging going on across the nation in the liberal cities is exemplary of what absence of law and order brings INSTANTLY to an otherwise peaceful community. Little Hegel loves that shit.

We should post “Looters will be shot dead!” signs on store windows. You loot, we shoot!

I would love to see armed guards inside the stores…heavily armed and well stocked with ammunition, body armor, armored firing positions, night vision, cameras, spotlights…whatever it takes to locate and identify thugs threatening the premises.

When the first looting goon breaks into the store, let the dead bodies start piling up on the floor. Just shoot the ones that get inside. That’ll give those trying to rush in behind the leaders something to think about. Rapid fire semi-automatic weapons firing hollow points, accompanied by 12 gauge shotguns firing 00 buckshot should do the trick.


This was covered quite extensively here. This was a travesty!


Real source of current problems are behind the curtain.

''If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered."
‘‘And sure enough, looking at what’s happening in any major city today, we see a lot of homeless and desperate people.’’

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Banking is the source of modern tragedies.
Banksters are always behind wars, revolutions and all kinds of turmoil and bloodshed.
(Buy while blood flows on the street)

That’s the way it needs to go down with every business owner.

If I lived in US I’d be very worried now.
Calling them animals is an insult(to animals)

I bet Philly longs for the Frank Rizzo days.





Frank Rizzo: “Just wait after November, you’ll have a front row seat because I’m going to make Attila the Hun look like a ■■■■■■■■ he said of his enemies during his 1975 re-election bid. Now the weenies are defacing Rizzo’s statue; and it’s going to be moved. Even organized crime behaved.

Who knows. Their Current PC (Outlaw) is a total SJW, who has been pretty much a failure at this point and everywhere she has gone. What is she doing now? Nothing? Pretty much answers your question.

Interesting look from a foreign country’s perspective. They are pretty much laying it out and speaking the truth supported with statistical facts to back it up.

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