173 kt meteor explosion caught on video from space

One either believe NASA’s spin or one doesn’t, but there’s no way either of us can prove our conviction. So there’s no point in continuing this exchange? Just consider this, though . . .we’re living in the age of fake news??

Only one of us has any evidence to support heir believe and it isn’t you.

There is no logical reason at all to imagine the recorded video or what it is reported to show is not accurate.

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:roll_eyes: ‘There are none so blind as those who will not see.’ Or ‘There’s one born every minute.’ Which of those would you say you come under?

Neither, I’m the guy who relies on facts and evidence to come to a conclusion.

You have yet to state any reason for even doubting the evidence or NASA’s statement it was a meteor or their estimate as to the energy of the explosion.

Nah, you’re the (gullible) guy whom, for whatever strange reason, is so much in awe of authority you’ll believe everything that authority tells you, no matter how ridiculous. Wake up and smell it, as y’all say over there!

Another salient question for you, TWR - why do you think NASA is so obsessed with a dead planet?

I’m a scientist by raising and education.

I don’t accept anything as fact without evidence nor do I accept any claims that challenge known fact without evidence.

What, are you telling me that NASA isn’t obsessed by a dead planet?

For the same reasons mankind has been fascinated by it throughout our history.

It’s our closest neighbor and it’s the most earth like planet in the system.

It’s reachable and potentially habitable in the future. The technologies we develop to take us to and not just there but on out into our own system and beyond.

Well worth doing.

So what happens when we reach it then? Mars has no atmosphere, no oceans, no fertility, no countries, no infrastructure, and will never be able to sustain human life. Why the hell are you waffling about ‘reachable and potentially habitable in the future’. It’s not in the least ‘earth like’, will never be ‘reachable’ for more than a handful of space travellers, and even then they’d drop dead as soon as they disembark from the vehicle because they won’t be able to breathe. Am I really having this conversation?

Well let’s start with your first fallacy.

They will be able to survive because prior to ever arriving there will a fully self contained research station already built and waiting for them.

Chemically it’s similar to earth.

It has water.

It has both oxygen and CO2 which are necessary for life.

From that station habitable domes and underground facilities will be built so the community that develops can grow.

We do not know yet whether there is any life on the planet, if their is, most likely it is under ground.

It has hydrocarbons that can be used to produce fuel.

It has water that can be used to produce fuel.

All the basic elements needed to sustain human life are present.

The biggest hurdle is that we don’t yet know what the long term effects of the low gravity will be on the humans who colonize it.

And you seriously believe all of that? What’s the point of a fully self contained research station for a handful of scientists (and I use that word with tongue in cheek), and who will have built it anyway? And how will they have transported all the raw materials and construction machinery and plant from here to Mars? And I could ask so many more relevant questions to which there are no answers. Are you taking the piss out of me?

The plan is already developed and prep underway.

Rockets will transport pre built modules and they will be assembled by robotic construction teams.

Part of the plan includes setting up modules that serve as greenhouses early on so that by the time they get there fresh food will be there for them already.

Why exactly would I doubt any of this? The whole project has been documented and has been done in plain view of the public. There are frequent shows on TV showing the entire plan and various stages of it’s development and advancement.

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But you’ve ignored everything I’ve said - you seem to be making it up as you go along as if you’re delusional. Are you saying that the entire population of Earth will go there (if so, why?), or just a few, and what will the selection criteria be? And if they’re of different nationalities, where will they live if there are no countries similar to their own here? And I assure you that there is no water on Mars, despite what you say (I don’t know where you got it from). And who the hell wants to live underground all their life? And what about all the construction materiel I mentioned to build villages, towns and cities, power stations, hospitals, etc? And you say you have a science background? Anyway I’m pushed for time now . . . have a think about that?

You’re just making shit up now. I’ve addressed everything you’ve brought up and answered every question you’ve asked.

Nobody suggested we’d all be moving there so why even attempt to suggest it?

One of the early priorities will be to locate what natural resources are already on the planet that can be used for construction and industrial production.

From the first landings they are predicting 15-30 years before the colony can be completely self sustaining. Until then regular launches of supplies are planned to keep it operating.

I’ve rarely ever seen anyone on any board (let alone this one, which is dominated by ■■■ hating conspiracy theorists) spend so much time and energy making a complete fool of themselves. :wink:

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This is for Samm too.

From the beginning I said I’d rather not get bogged down in this shit, but much against my better judgement, I fell for it. Here’s what it boils down to - you read/hear a load of bullshit, but because that busllshit emanates from NASA you simply cannot, or will not, bring yourself to doubt it, nor even query it: then, as if that isn’t bizarre enough, you both sneer at me for being sceptical. It’s all a bit like religion when you think about it, and I personally believe religion to be a genetic thing, viz. you either have the religion gene or you don’t. I’ll go a bit further by saying that I’d wager big bucks you and Samm are religious. Anyhoo, over and out.

Noted. :roll_eyes::sweat_smile:

There’s absolutely no reason to doubt the story and you have no evidence it is untrue.

You’ve been making a fool of yourself since you entered the thread and can stop at any time.

I said over and out. I’m not wasting any more of my time on this crap, so believe it if you want to - I don’t GAF.

‘they are predicting 15-30 years before the colony can be completely self sustaining.’ FFS gimme a break?? Is there nothing they can say that you won’t believe?? If they said the core of Mars is made of gorgonzola cheese, would you believe that? Don’t answer - I’m not interested. Just think about it though?