16 States to Abolish Electoral College

That’s your speciality.

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Yep. All it takes is one more blue vote than red vote to negate it. That’s how it’s supposed to work. The President is elected by the States; the people vote for how they want their State to vote. Ignoring the vote of the people in your State just because the people in the most populous states voted another way is undemocratic. Seriously, do you really think that the people in five states should be able to choose the President regardless of the will of the people in the other 45? Those big states already have an enormous advantage because their share of votes is based on their populations, but apparently that is not enough for you liberals. You know, that attitude is kind of like that of the evil rich who you guys so vilify. We have more than we need to win, but we want more!

Pathetic …


Correct… you just made my point even clearer. They won those states without spending much, of any time, in them.

Hilary had more votes than Donald Trump. That is a fact. But it didn’t matter under the EC.

Also there is no correlation between simply being a democrat and winning populous states. There are other factors as to why a populous states tend to vote democratic. It mostly can be attributed to the diversity of the state population.

Trump won more states and those less populous states drove the election away from the more popular candidate. States aren’t people. That’s the problem with the EC.

Just because a person lives in a blue state, does not mean they automatically vote blue. You act as if a popular vote election would mean that all 30 million Californians would vote democrat. It just isn’t true.

That’s a bull shit demand. Nobody can even prove you voted … not even you.


States aren’t people… people should have there vote count and not be controlled by the “state”.

EC ignores every presidential vote in that state of the losing party.

Are all 30 million Californians democrats? If not, then how are they swaying anything? Just because you live in California, doesn’t mean you are Democrat

4.5 million republicans voted in California for Donald Trump. That republicans vote total is more than the Republican vote total of Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma COMBINED

And yet the conspiracy is still peddled by the right

“And to the republic for which it stands”

I have no idea how much time Hillary spent in California , so its a moot point, she won there, popular and electoral

and so what, the E.C is what matters, its funny the other four times it happened well you weren’t alive for the first two obviously but when Bush 43 won there wasn’t this huge uproar as you see now, all I see is a lot of T.D.S

Never said there was any correlation , I said if there was a popular national vote, candidates would wisely spend their time and resources in populous states.

It only makes sense.

No, that is your opinion, the E.C was design for candidates to make their pitch in less populous states, so they feel they have a voice, sorry that Hillary wasn’t popular in Idaho, wyoming , Montana or the Dakotas, that is life and if it was a popular national vote you can bet your ass she wouldn’t even go further than Illinois and skip the mid and northern states

here we go , blue state, red state… blah blah blah.

Look , there is no guarantee that Hillary would have won the election if there was a national vote, the truth is I doubt that Trump would have been elected as there would be many candidates on the ballot in a popular national vote.

The EC was created when there was very few states and they were all within 500 miles of each other. EC can no longer be applicable today do the disperse nature of the country. The founders were deities. They didn’t know that the US would be this large and expansive.

I never said there was a guarantee. Stop misrepresenting my position. I am saying that the EC is not representative of an individual vote and I want it changed.

From where I sit, Republicans have just as much of a chance to win under a popular votes as democrats do. It’s not like ONLY democrats have won the popular vote in the past.

There I fixed, how about that.

Glutton for punishment trying to put some rational sense in Prague???

Is that what you call having the majority in a given states votes being thrown out because the popular vote went the other way? Making every vote count?

you are wrong again…sorry

Not in 2016 , If it was a popular vote I think more people would have voted for Sanders than Hillary, I dont know how Trump would have done, but People LIke gary johnson would have fared better

Is this English? This doesn’t make sense

I don’t care about 2016. I held this position before 2016. I would hold this position even if Trump won the popular vote.

I want everyone’s vote to count… today it doesn’t if you are in a solid red or blue state. I want that changed. This isn’t 1789.

Isn’t that the crux of the problem?

I could have sworn you previously said you were a manger in California.

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what do you mean??

20 characters later .

how does the vote not count?? look at every state Hillary or Trump won in, it shows the numbers