'You will never make it': Trump mocks a reporter after he asked about an inspector general's report on hospital shortages

That’s how Slick Willy claimed he produced a surplus. Back in the day it was called Voodoo Economics by many.

Without a lot of extraneous flatus, explain the distinction.

It’s what he had to do to pay for those expensive Cubans in used in the White House. Lol!

You’re predictably dishonest…

You’ve probably played that Steiner to a lot of adoring idiots, and now we’ve seen that you never bothered to read it…

Because slack jaws know nothing, they believe anything.

No…that’s what CBO and OMB say…he merely cites them…correctly…

Even now you fail to see that your graph showing Public Debt means nothing.

No…Steiner even explains it…

You should have read it…

I bet Snopes does as well…

If you don’t feel undressed, you certainly look it.

You should scroll up a bit and read post #60. Decreasing the Public Debt by borrowing money does not reduce the National Debt and produces no surplus.

Slick Willy lied. Can you imagine that?

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Stop ignoring your own citation…

There is a reason why history shows Clinton producing surpluses…and why not one of the people you cited is an economist.


Try this, little cowboy. It comes from the US government records.


Recognizing your incorrigibility, I am retiring from this discussion.


Who is "Sheppard?

Another blogger?


he challenged readers to find any year in which the debt declined between Sept. 30, 1993, and Sept. 30, 2001 – the years in which the Clinton Administration was directly responsible for putting together the budget.

`Maybe he should also read Steiner…

Note the source…at the bottom of the screenshot…


I feel ya! It reminds me of a conversation I had with someone of same logic applied where I had the occasion to ask her if Giraffes are taller than ants is a fact, her response was that it was not a fact, but rather an article of religious faith in our culture. You pretty much just experienced the same logic being applied where one no matter how grossly wrong they are will never admit it for the sake of clinging to their ideological fantasies. You are better off agreeing that Dickens “Tale of Two Cities” is about bunny rabbits than to convince such people to accept your point of view! Total waste of effort otherwise!

Just for the record, list the sources you’ve brought to this debate…

And tell me what FRED is.

Do you understand that CBO and OMB are adamant on this point?

They are always salving each other’s asses. Like Hollywood, and the phony awards.

Deficit, well, it’s just a word. Our big problem is, government is just too fucking complicated. It defeats the purpose it was designed for. “The mark of elegant engineering is to produce the desired effect as ‘simply’ as possible”. That holds true for every single area of engineering, especially political engineering. The more unnecessary components, the more of a chance one will fail; and the longer it takes to sort out the problem & correct it. We have too many departments that were designed for little more than “busy work”. The only thing they contribute is confusion. AND THEY ACTUALLY GET PAID FOR IT.

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This in 3 days…