A supermajority of economists are technocrats, mix up descriptive and prescriptive statements, and inject value-laden assumptions into what they say. This tendency is most strongly pronounced among the economists who are free market activists (a much more appropriate phrase than “free market economist”).
If you refer to Atlas Shrugged, the left, the laughable socialists, progressives , i.e. Cortez, Sanders, etc all support government choosing winners and of course most of their choices are losers. They all support we can spend you money better than you, they all support we know bette than you.
They are at the people and the dems want the government that Ayn Rand writes about.
I used the term “supermajority” to express how large a fraction it is.
I’m so so sorry for not providing you with a doctoral citation.
I’m not going to say it’s my “opinion” because too often that word means something like a subjective claim. I’ve been seeing for morevthan ten years. It’s true.
It’s called the fact-value dichotomy.
And cool your jets. You act like you’re implicated by the claim.