You say liberal elite, I say well educated


After seeing this Bumper sticker I had to start asking questions. It was apparently meant to insult people. People that disagreed with the well educated view point. The old adage that well educated people (what ever that means) vote democrat came to mind. The rest of the population must be, stupid applies.

My daughter was out as she attended a private college with a balanced education, so I chose a few of her friends who attended a state university.

The questions:
What do you know about theology? Not in the curriculum. Presuming of course that, if there is a God, he, or probably she, agrees with us. If he or she does not agree with us, he or she can go to hell.

Philosophy, which topics did you cover in college? None? Apparently knowing about the philosophy of the Greeks, of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and still less of the great Christian philosophers, such as Augustine or Aquinas isn’t important.

History? Many know it only from their own twenty-first century perspective, or from the twenty-first century. Few know the causes of the civil war, little beyond free the slaves. Few knew much about WW1 and a little bit about WW2. I dare not ask abut the history before the US became a nation. This is called being well-educated.

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Sir Winston Churchill

This quote came to mind.

Great literature. Nothing there.

Perhaps the definition of to be “well-educated” is to be ignorant of theology, philosophy, history and the great books of civilization.
It is to believe that we have nothing to learn from the Great Conversation that has animated human discourse for three millennia.
It is to treat our neighbor in the car next to us with contempt, presuming that they are stupid because they are not as “well-educated” as the owner of the bumper sticker would lead you to believe.

Would rather be intelligent and Conservative, than Liberal and educated.

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An excellent perpective.

The interesting thing is there are probably an equal number of educated people of the right however they lack the desire to be so self centered and absorbed. (IT’S ALL ABOUT ME)

Kind of speaks to the state of higher learning today doesn’t it.

More like well indoctrinated.


If you have to make a bumper sticker to defend “liberal elite” your’re probably pretty insecure about it to begin with.


The bumper sticker probably appears on the cars of non-elite progressives.

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In my experience education doesn’t matter hugely. Reason isn’t the preserve of those with an education. People have different values, and that’s what attracts them to particular parties.

Educated idiots…at least I didn’t waste tax payers or mommy and daddy money. :wink:

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Translated means “Bully Me!” We pick on libtard drivers here. They’re easy to spot; don’t need a sticker to confirm. :grin:



How do you spot a libtard driver in your area? We pick on them here, too :rofl:

In mine we see this:



Yep, that’s right. Usually shitty little underpowered things. You have to be a libtard to buy a Citroen. What’s that small car called the IQ, you know they have a small IQ? More so, it’s the way they drive, irritatingly slowly! Plus middle lane hoggers. And outside lane hoggers.

Considering the short wheelbase, small wheels, stiff suspension and American streets (expansion joints and potholes) … they’ll be paying the price in bad backs years from now.

I’m using the early choppers and their now supposedly largely crippled riders for reference.

Meh… they cant even calculate a non linear curve fit to global temperature data. They can’t distinguish a man’s nude body from a woman’s nude body. They think nationality is race and a fetus is equivalent to a cancer tumor. They think that socialism is something new and cow farts are ruining our world.

Educated, my ass.


liberal and leftist kids today although “educated” in the classical sense are from from educated, many of them are just sheeples.

Never has the phrase “educated fool” meant so much , today kids are not being taught or educated or even allowed to develop critical thinking school, they are indoctrinated like the old soviet style.

Many of them doesn’t know that America existed before FDR’s New deal.

They know slavery was bad and we should pay the african american reparation because we were privileged and to pay for the sins of a few nasty slave owners which most of us had nothing to do with.

I like to know how come the left hasn’t gone after Ben Affleck as he discovered his great great great grandfather owned slaves, so why aren’t they picketing him?

Educated liberals like AOC and Sanders with their pie in the sky nutbar theories, they want equality for all , jobs for everyone, healthcare for all, well the China and Soviet union accomplished that and look a them today

Oh wait the Soviet union doesn’t exist anymore, and China has more billionaire politburo members than the United States and Great Britain combined.

So much for an equal society.

Is that what educated leftists want?

You say liberal elite, I say how many illegals are you personally housing, feeding, and clothing?

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Oh I like that one. A lot.

“Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.


OMG, it is hilarious because it is TRUE! They always have a deer in the headlight look about them.

Along with a "look at me doing my part for the environment " smugness about them. I just look at them sandwiched between dump trucks or semi’s and shake my head.

They do this to save the environment; stick their kids in a coffin on wheels and fight for space with a juggernaut. They don’t understand that righteousness is no guarantee of safety.

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Here is my take on why college educated tend to be more liberal.

As with k-12 education, colleges tend to be dominated by LIB faculty. Colleges continue the LIB indoctrination that began in kindergarten.

So LIBs like to point to LIBs who are college educated as proof that intelligent people vote Democrat, while the less educated tend to vote Republican. I look at it quite differently. I see this as proof that the LIB indoctrination is working.

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