Yeah…I think he proves our point.
I have three degrees (one of each) two in Education, one in STEM. I know quite a few successful business people who almost to the man (or woman) are conservative. I don’t know any that are liberal in the sense of today’s progressive orthodoxy. The notion that liberals are better educated is a farce. A tradesman is better educated than some kid who bonged his/her/it’s way through four years of college to a degree of no use or even utility. Being stoned and listening to rap while banging one out with a stranger is not a path to the wisdom the ‘educated’ pretend they possess.
The guy who can run a lathe with precision, who can program machine tools to create the things that bongerkinder can barely run, doesn’t understand, and couldn’t fix if his life depended on it- that machinist is a master of his craft. That he doesn’t read the self important drivel of some sad little metro at HuffPoo is more a tribute to his focus, than a sign of weak intellect.
The Dems lost in 2016, they failed to sweep to power in 2018- and can only obstruct progress. The pervasive attitude on the left that “I am liberal, therefore I am more intelligent and educated than you” contributed to their loss in 2016. Let’s hope they continue the strategy up through 2020.
Not this week. This week he’s a CEO. I think. It’s hard to keep track honestly.
Many is Trump?
Your an imbecile that cannot carry on a rational conversations as your infected with TDS.
What’s that old saying, bite me.
Get off my thread.
This also speaks to our educational system in place today.
Last week the Nation’s Report Card announced that no more than 40% of America’s 4th and 8th graders are proficient in reading and math. Those are scary numbers, but the numbers for writing are even more frightening: only 27% of American 8th and 12th graders attained proficiency.
Why are American students such terrible writers?
1. They Don’t Read High Quality Literature
As has been previously noted, today’s schools often fail to present their students with many literature selections which demonstrate good examples of vocabulary, sentence structure, and other components of high-quality writing. A thorough and challenging reading program, however, is one of Lewis’ keys to successful writing.
2. They Skim
The fast-paced age of the internet has trained all of us – adults and children alike – to become text skimmers. But such a practice diminishes thought and understanding, two facets essential to good writing.
3. They Don’t Memorize
“Drill and Kill” and the memorization of facts has become a prominent no-no in an age where creativity and feelings are encouraged. But is the de-emphasis on memorization actually depriving children of valuable writing material?
Many of them believe that nothing of significance happened before they were born.
Some of the most educated people in the world appear to be the least intelligent. They may do well on games shows but suffer greatly when trying to apply their knowledge to real life situations.
My experiences have been when a Democrat talks about being well educated they are referring to their college degree. Somehow they managed to delude themselves into believing that a college degree makes a person well educated.
Also, Democrats assume that most Conservatives have never been to College. That’s when Democrats end up being made fools of. I use their biased thinking to my advantage whenever debating a Democrat.
What I find it interesting is how limited their ability to think and look beyond the obvious really is. A degree at one time came with critical thinking skills so lacking in todays liberals.
When I ponder the parties, the dems can unite in a common front as they people do not think about the issue only the outrage the party tells them they should have.
The GOP has a difficult time uniting in common cause as many actually think about the issue at hand and rarely march lockstep beats the party told them to.
Probably the best example today, the lefts outrage over border funding. The lefts outrage is because their leaders refuse to fund border security and do not even think about what’s happening at the border. What’s the impact to jobs in the US. What’s the cost of all the illegals and asylum seekers on the taxpayers, on healthcare, on education of our children, on housing prices, the ability to care for our poor, veterans. Few realize there is only so much money to go around and who should we care for first.
The right tens to consider the issue and the impact on the country, the left could care less.
One could relabel the parties as the party of emotion and the party of logic.
Well said, Lou …
Feeeeewings … woe, woe, woe is us feewings …
Funny thing, the more effort the educational establishment put into the emotional welfare of kids the less they often seem to be able to cope with the realities of life.
Maybe, I’m just throwing this out there, telling kids (boys in particular) that things like man up were good for them? That as the emotional focus rises above some point common sense and the ability to parse and resist vapid rhetoric based on hard cases or Left wing claims goes out the door?
Yes the safe place in college is the perfect example of todays soft society.
Politically correct is everything today.
This long distance dedication goes out to all the offendsensitive kiddies out there:
It’s my pity party and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to
Cry if I want to
I need a safe space
And maybe a hug!
Donald Trump brags about his ivy league education all the time.
does he have bumper stickers on his limo , heli pad or jet?
or does he brag about it when confronting reporters who are out to get him?
“I think the press makes me more uncivil than I am,” Trump told reporters Wednesday afternoon before departing the White House.
“You know, people don’t understand. I went to an Ivy League college,” said Trump, who graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. “I was a nice student. I did very well. I’m a very intelligent person. You know, the fact is, I think, I really believe, I think the press creates a different image of Donald Trump than the real person.”
Harvard, University Michigan
Ted Kaczynski
gee trying to make himself look good during a presidential campaign is bragging now?
I get it if he just blurt it out in everyday conversation
Interviewer: Mr Trump why do you think the show "the Apprentice " was popular
Trump: because I have a Ivy league education, I went to Wharton and got a MBA
Interviewer: Why do you think we need a wall?
trump: well when I was taking poly sci 101 as I was getting my MBA, we discussed the illegal immigration .
Interviewer: why do you think you won the election
Trump: well my intelligence and being a graduate from the wharton school helps.
Was he boosting or stating a fact?
90% of press coverage of trump is negative, what does that tell you???
Has the media painted a different image of Trump, absolutely, like many they are infected with TDS. Your politico headline says it all about the media.
Reading that from a British perspective, it really looks like a piss take. We don’t take everything seriously and at face value. There is also irony. You may call it trolling, but my guess is Trump is playing you.
Let me elaborate. Everyone knows what Trump has achieved. There is no need to state the obvious. He could play the irony game and say he’s thick as pig shit in which case the libs would take him literally as well. Or he could be cleverer and play double irony to confuse you. So you accuse him of bragging, but at least he has succeeded in confusing you, showing who’s the idiot.