Keep in mind that the LEAST educated -high school dropouts- vote Democrat. That was documented by the US census bureau for decades up until Obama took over. Same documentation that says post grads vote Democrat… which is true. My take on why this stat was replaced with “less than college education” is that it told the truth. But think of the message libs give… that high school grads are in the same bucket as high school dropouts.
“Uneducated” means “you disagree with me so I’m butthurt”. Just their knee-jerk response to criticism.
A thread making fun of being educated… on a heavily conservative board. Color me surprised
and some deserves to be mocked, you cant tell me that there are no educated fools out there?
AOC comes to mind.
Making fun of thinking they are educated.
Ok. You’re colored.
Some sure… just like some “conservative elites.” However this thread is generalizing “liberal elites.” It is paint a broad brush.
The bumper sticker, is generalising as well.
but most of these conservatives elites aren’t going around bragging about their education
What education would that be, gender studies?
From that bumper sticker, how would someone know that the person driving is a liberal? Couldn’t a conservative just as well put that bumper sticker on?
If the logic is “if you brag about being smart or educated, then you are a liberal elite” then Trump would also be a liberal elite, right? Trump consistently brags about having “the best brain”. He is now I liberal elite.
and he is a billionaire, do you know many billionaires that brags about being a billionaire?
We can’t be certain, but it’s probably a liberal. No conservative I know goes around with a bumper sticker complimenting liberals lol.
It’s not necessarily a liberal bragging either, it could just be tongue in cheek and poking some fun at Conservatives.
We see those here too, but they don’t count
Of all of the people who have posted you seem to be the only one to have missed the point.
Hmm, you wouldn’t be a liberal would you?
Er, no.
When he puts that on a bumper sticker, start a topic on it.
No I get it…
liberals with education = bad
Cons with education = good
Er, yes.
Trump is a liberal elite.
Ah well. Thanks for proving the point of the bumper sticker