Wtf is going on in Wisconsin and Michigan !? Are you really voting biden?

Your beliefs belie your words, you said it, and you just didn’t want to own it. Do you want me to pull up one of your previous posts to prove it?

Thats right! When going down in flames after losing your argument, all you have is your stupid childish insults and false accusations. Fact of the matter, you just got exposed for being a moron yet again!

Yeah we heard that before too, but we all know you are a liar, and can’t stick to what you say.

Please please put me on ignore! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks for validating EXACTLY why taxes need to be raised.

And thank you for confirming that you have no other solutions to addressing real world problems by failing to think outside of your hegemonic perspectives!

What are you even talking about? One of your own cultists explained how taxation worked and I agreed with him.

Cultists, new name for people you hate?


Until spending is addressed throwing more money at Washington is like asking a drunk if they want another drink.

We have had record taxes collected year after year and it’s never enough.

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What am I talking about? You just went on about how you earn more money in Tech as a way to put someone down, yet you don’t know what I am talking about? No wonder why you can’t put together a cogent argument you are too stilted in your own myopic views to know the context of a conversation.

Absolute bullshit. The debt can and should be paid but it would require spending cuts. We collect $3.5 trillion a year. Freeze spending and assume standard rate of GDP growth and we would see the debt nearly disappear in about 35 years. Your math is as bad as your economics.

As of now, and counting.

Who do you think you’d be paying to?
No. aint gonna happen.

Exactly how much is enough? Do you pay your fair share? This nation spends $7.5 trillion at all levels now. That’s almost $23,000 for every man, woman and child. We don’t need tax hikes, we need spending cuts. Massive spending cuts. Honestly, how the hell much should we be spending? If you have the average family of 4, your fair share is $92,000 in taxes. I’m sick and fucking tired of hearing about how little the rich pay. We need to focus on how much money government wastes on bullshit we don’t need. It’s actually amazing to me that we spend hundreds of billions on Medicaid and yet we hear every election cycle how the poor don’t have health care. It’s a giant game of fuck the tax payer and we keep letting them spend more and more… you know, to fix that infrastructure they’ve been promising to fix for the past 50 years.

Oh gee, I don’t know… the people that own the debt? Do you not understand how badly this debt drives inflation? Do you seriously not know how that deliberate inflation keeps shrinking the middle class? Come on, seriously, this is common damn sense. Can’t just blame the ■■■■■

A more direct and simpler way to reduce the debt in a shorter period of time would be:

  1. Eliminate the capital gains tax
  2. Reduce the the corporate from 22% to 13.5%
  3. Go to flat tax rate and eliminate all loop holes.

You missed one. Cut spending by 33% or more.

One question though. I always hear about loopholes, can you give an example? Offer our opposition uses deductions such as depreciation or legitimate business expenses that reduce your profit.

Actually you wouldn’t need to cut spending with these changes, but keeping the current levels as they are. With these changes, the country would be out of debt in ten years. Why? Because eliminating the capital gains tax would not only increase foreign investments, but also countries would increase their demand for doing business here, such as manufacturing and banking.

To answer your question, eliminating all tax loopholes, includes write-offs. That is what the Flat tax will enable businesses to do, adjust for business expenses, baked in the cake plan.

One loophole is off-shore accounts that are not subject to taxation. Corporate welfare is another, such as subsidies.

You are a Southerner and I am sure you could appreciate this, but not many true Southerners think much of Lincoln when it comes to understanding the brass tacks of what Lincoln was trying to accomplish during his admin; he was one of the first Presidents to go all in on the concept of Corporate Welfare, particularly for the Railroads. He was a railroad lawyer before becoming President and its basically what started big money in politics.

Trump had the right mind set of reducing the Corporate rate, but he didn’t go far enough with it being 22%. Also eliminating the capital gains tax is another one he really wants to do away with. Its why I voted for him. The big club wouldn’t let him do it though, but its very necessary when competing with other countries who have adopted similar plans and are now flourishing as a result such as Singapore.

Actually, on the first point, whether we need to based on debt or not, spending HAS to be cut.

As to the write off’s… you cannot eliminate all write offs. Legitimate business expenses remove profit. If you tax a business prior to profit, that’s a recipe for disaster. As to a lowered rate, I’m fully in agreement, though I’d eliminate it. It’s my opinion, corporations don’t pay taxes, they just roll it into the price of product. On the other side, I definitely wouldn’t bail out companies or give subsidies. . . if they can’t survive in the free market, we don’t need them.

I am going to disagree with you on that and here is why. A flat tax is proportional to what one makes, there simply would be no need for write offs, the flat tax adjusts to what one makes based on a percentage of what is taxable. Of course individual tax rates and a business tax rate would differ significantly, however if the rate is low enough then writes offs would not be necessary. Of course this is just a plan and the other issue is creating a class structure for the business tax, such as Corporate and Small business, but that could be inviting picking winners and losers and its something that would have to be explored more in order to see if such a system can work under that scenario. However, if we are talking about flat tax rate across the board, and equate what that percentage is going to be based on total tax revenue taken in a given year, then yes it works for everyone including eliminating write-offs. The bigger question with such a plan is determining what that percentage rate would be.

Also if we keep what we have in terms of spending, it really wouldn’t need to be cut in order to address the National debt. If we are talking about our current taxation system then yes I agree spending most definitely would have to be cut, but with a flat tax, current spending levels can be maintained provided there is no increase in spending in the ten year period in which I alluded to earlier.

Profit is what a business makes, not gross revenue.

I agree, but you are not going to sacrifice profit with this plan. You are lowering the tax rate so low, that it puts more money in the pot for businesses to use. IMO that is a much better option than write offs.

I guess we define “write off’s” differently. I consider them to be business expenses that directly impact your profit. So an example: I have a bunch of product lines in the company I work for. Last year, I pulled in about $700MM in revenue. My net profit was $50MM after expenses. It was a horrible year for us and we deliberately booked orders at low margins to keep our guys working and to pay the bills. What are the results? If you charge me 35% of $50MM, that’s $17.5MM in taxes. If you drop to 10% and tax my gross revenue, my tax bill is $70MM, forcing me into a $20MM loss for the year. We cannot disallow “all write offs” if we’re going to tax a business. I’d prefer we just kill all corporate taxes, it would be an amazing benefit to this country.