Wtf is going on in Wisconsin and Michigan !? Are you really voting biden?

You know, if I had my preference, we would kill ALL taxation except a sales tax. It’s none of Uncle Sam’s business how much I make. We killed the 4th Amendment when we allowed income tax. I have no privacy to my personal information anymore. They know where I live, how much I make, how many investments I have… pretty much every single detail of my life. If I choose not to disclose it, I go to prison. This shit has to END but it’ll take a Constitutional Amendment.

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Business expenses would be adjusted in a Flat Tax system, because its proportionate to what you make. What money you put into the company is covered by the more money a business is going to have by having a flat low tax rate. Also that includes eliminating state sales taxes as well with this plan. Write offs is basically a subsidy under our current system, and are necessary for a progressive tax plan such as the one we have now. Under a flat Tax, businesses would have a lot more freedom to plan the businesses expenses because their profit and gross revenue will be 3 times larger, especially as demand rises, such as what this tax plan would do. When I get a chance there is an economist who made a better case with more detailed info than I could do here, that outlines the reasons why a flat tax would be the way to go in fixing the national debt and will share it here.

Did you know the income tax was suppose to be temporary?

That died with the 16th Amendment.

What died with the 16th? The income tax?

The “temporary” income tax.

Hmm? I will have to reread that again, because from my understanding the Federal Income tax which was instituted under Roosevelt was never removed. It was temporary but became permanent. In fact, another one of his Taxes which was the phone tax was finally removed under the Clinton Admin.

Biden is up in the polls pretty much all.over the country. America doesn’t want to be ruled by a foreign agent.

The 16th Amendment was what I was referring to. It made the income tax permanent for the most part. I agree that they started it as “temporary” but that’s been every budget line item and tax ever created which is why I reject any attempt to pass a national sales tax without removing other taxes. :wink:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

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So why the hell would he be up in the polls?

Oh and no, it’s not “pretty much all over the country”… not even close.

He is not! He is posting the fake shit in order to placate his feelings.

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Unfortunately it has been the battle cry that half the nation should pay nothing.

Until the entire nation pays for their government nothing will change.

Until congress decides they must balance the budget nothing will change.

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And should Biden win, apparently we will be ruled by a foreign nation, seems his fav’s are China and the Ukraine.

Such polls are all fake. Just wishful thinking.
Nonetheless, Dems are doing everything to steal votes.

Income tax was a Rockefeller idea during wartime, but it stuck.
Sheep stopped asking questions.

Same with the Fed. Sheep stopped asking questions.

This was 18 hours ago, less than a day.


If you think the national debt can be paid off with taxes on citizens and spending cuts, think again.

Besides, some country in the ME can stab America in the back and drag America into one of its wars, costing billions and many American lives.
Remember USS Liberty?

Or this guy, your fellow Texan

who cost millions of dollars for the US?

Thanks for that explanation!

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Math. It’s basic freaking math. X - Y = Z . If you freeze spending and allow for the same tax revenue increases that happen as the norm, eventually you begin to pay down the debt because income > outlays. Problem is, no one wants to address it because some morons think it doesn’t matter and other idiots think it’s imaginary.

I agree with you so far.

Nope. It’s the awakened people who refuse to be sheep.

The worst part of the (US) national debt is the interest that grows exponentially.

German financial experts have an expression called “Joseph’s penny.”

Let’s say Joseph saved a penny for baby Jesus when he was born two thousand years ago and Jesus forgot to cash the savings.

How much is the money worth now?
Pure gold the size several times bigger than Planet Earth.

You’re forgetting to take into account the interest, called usury in time-honored English term.

Nope, stupid people that don’t understand reality. The sheep ignore the wolf, utterly convinced that it’s not a threat. It’ll go away the sheep says. Fortunately for you, there are sheep dogs out there that keep you from becoming a meal. Regarding your interest statement, yes, it’s extremely harmful and bits us in the ass every year. That doesn’t mean we can close our eyes and pretend we can just wipe the debt out with a magic wand and everything will be fine. Your plan would lead to hyperinflation and would destroy this nation. We would cease to be a super power and with that would reduce our military capabilities, which would usher in a new wave of world conflict, leading to mass starvation and mass killings.