Will Trump's new tariffs on Mexico halt illegal immigration?

Define “normal order”

Simple question.
Where are our borders and from what country are the immigrants crossing them.

They are approaching our southern border from Mexico, but they are from the NT. Damaging the Mexican economy will cause an uptick in illegal immigration from MEXICO, which has been in decline the past decade.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

In this context, anything pre Trump…

Let me help you out.

They are crossing our border directly from Mexico. Mexico is allowing them to migrate through their country.

America first. If Mexico’s economy is damaged then all the more reason to to keep them and everyone else looking for a free ride on the southern side of the border.

America isn’t their sugar daddy.

You damage the Mexican economy, illegal immigration from Mexico increases. Knock yourself out…:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Except if they can’t cross the border it won’t increase. Now speak to Typhoid Pelosi about supporting funding for a wall.


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We should have started that about 30 years ago. The reason we keep failing to win the War on Drugs is the simple fact we’ve never really tried.

Typhoid, Typhus, Antibiotic Resistant TB, Measles. Such gifts… .

You need cooperation from congress for the funding. Of course, if Trump goes ahead with the Tariffs we’re going to have plenty of money to fund “The Wall” and to expand the courts and I believe that money is outside the budget process.

We also need to work harder at interdicting the billions of dollars in cold hard cash being sent out of the country to the cartels.

Tariff revenue goes into the general fund.

Lmao, why didn’t Trump build his “big beautiful wall” when republicans controlled congress…:rofl:


Where’s Trump’s Wall? Republicans Refused to Pay for It

You forgot Ebola. Every politician who stands in the way of turning these people back should be in handcuffs, breaking rocks in a chain gang for the rest of their miserable lives.

Lmao, because we have RHINO’s in congress who are more concerned with their political careers, being re-elected by their little neck of the woods than they are with paying attention to what the people of the country voted for.

Nevertheless, the republicans blocked border wall funding…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Er, I just said they are a bunch of RHINO’s.

It would be tantamount to democrats wanting to impeach Trump and someone like Typhoid Pelosi dragging her feet on it. But of course that wouldn’t happen because you liberals are all on the same page with each other, amiright? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Point…with control of the White House and both houses of Congress, Trump couldn’t build his “big beautiful wall”…:rofl:

Once again, “Cloture”. Republicans never had a filibuster proof majority.

Why do you feel the need to lie so often?

True but so far no cases of Ebola have come into the US via Illegals carrying it.

Hell, under the last administration we actually brought people into the US knowing they had it or had been exposed. Millions of dollars thrown away and a huge risk to the public.