The LA Slimes is smearing Elder of slapping a woman, despite a photo showing hands holding her head and instigating the efg throwing incident.Tgey must be afraid of what a real intelligent black can accomplish and be a threat to the the status- quo in Nutty Never Land.
Too many illegal aliens in Califukyyula. No race is legitimate.
No such thing as election fraud when voters are told they voted before when they show up at the polls. Like everyone says , if it isn’t reported, it doesn’t happen.
So many reports of voting issues already… sad but on the upside we are closer to a civil war yay
As of 12: 41 pm today, Newsom has a big lead and it won’t matter. Another " FAIR" Commiefornia election.Putin could be the next Governor.
Well we all knew that Newsom was not going to get Recalled, the Left are not FANATICAL about Mail In Voting for NOTHING you know.
We all boycott the LA Slimes, nobody I know reads that birdcage liner.
It’s worse than that.
Californians are racists. Period. They did not vote to get rid of an incompetent governor because Elder is black. Simple as that.
Well this Californian voted for Larry Elder, but yes the Leftists are racist, they always have been.
Don’t waste your time, Newsome is a shoe in….
Take a look at what has been happening since Barack Ozobo and leftist dems took charge , Looting , lawsuits in the millions regardless of the FACTS , cops locked up for doing their jobs , defunding police , unemployment plus plus plus , you are NOT required to look for work , stimulus plus plus , mom and pop stores can’t get police to resond to shoplifting it’s " civil " case now . No cash bail required now . prisons releasing inmates by the hundreds because of “COVID” yet the border is wide open without restrictions . Why the hell wouldn’t POC vote demoRAT ???
Thanks to ALL the Illegal Aliens and some low IQ Welfare Queens.
Amazing you would vote for someone on Fox a contributor.
Thanks to an overwhelming majority of Californians that already rejected trumpism twice before……
What do you mean???
Shit holes usually vote Democrat lol
Larry Elder has appeared many times as a contributor on Fox News.
Elder lost, said it was fair and told his supporters to accept defeat like ADULTS……
How come Democrats voted for more overdose and homeless?
Monte won’t answer that because he doesn’t have an answer for it… at least one that makes sense.