Will J D Vance be our next VP?

J D Vance is highly intelligent, academically accomplished, Marine veteran, conservative values, self-made, and plenty of “real world smarts” that come from being raised in, but rising above, an impoverished cultural environment. Vance is very close to Don jr and is suspected to be one of the few who is. Everything that Kamala is not !

The Trump team has all the talking points ready. Trump is always prepared and he will make sure his VP is too. Dems want to find the kink in the armor. And sadly, the election will not be about national conflicts, energy, inflation, prices, rampant crime, jobs, etc. It will all come down to this one issue and we know how a majority of people will vote. Then these same people will complain on 11/6 that the issues that affect them daily are not going to improve. Dems implement distraction after distraction to avoid the true issues facing our Country under their evil rule !!!

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I wouldn’t mind if he were the choice. But… there are lots of people that can’t stand him in his own state.

He is viewed as nothing more than a mouth piece that has never accomplished anything in office… other than extoling his very right wing views on any matter of topics. I must admit to feeling the same about him. He talks a great game, but nothing ever comes of it. Still… not a bad choice. At least he has the same attitude that I have.

On the subject of never accomplishing anything while in office; MTG / Matt Gaetz. I like both of them but, other than a bunch of strong right wing rhetoric, what has either done to further the cause… other than run their mouths?

This is the crux of the problem with the GOP… talk a lot and do nothing.

The problem with picking him is that it leaves a seat open that the Democrats will no doubt will try to get. Trump needs both houses to have a chance at turning this country around. Its a mess! That is why Ben Carson is a better choice.

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It would appear as pandering to the DEI crowd and will turn off the base . He will bring nothing to the table as far as the black vote . We are tired of " we have to have a woman , black, Latino on the ticket . The GOP has to practice what the preach , the best qualified for the position period !

Ben Carson hasn’t turned up onstage for any recent Donald Trump fundraisers or rallies. In recent days, prospects like North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. JD Vance of Ohio have demonstrated their loyalty to Trump by campaigning alongside him .Carson, by contrast, began his own publicity tour to promote a new book.
Remember when Trump alleged Ben was somewhere between having “pathological temper” and being “child molesting.” ? Dems would love to rub that in Trump’s face .

I agree. Pick no one currently holding a seat.

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Yeah, Trump is at times is own worst enemy when it comes maintaining proper decorum with people. Ben Carson’s is a neuro brain surgeon whose specialty is pediatric medicine, so his reaction to Trump’s shots is always cool as a cucumber and understands its politics and not personal. That is the type of temperament Trump is talking about? If anything Carson is a huge improvement over Vance and Burgum who is basically Pence 2.0.

But Ben bring nothing to the table .

Sure he does. he has experience working within the Trump administration and he has a more cooler head that can act as the voice of reason for Trump, more or less a balance. What does JD Vance bring? What has he accomplished? He is no neuro Surgeon that is for sure.

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Ben once tried to stab someone with a camping knife during his youth. He eventually overcame his anger issues and academic challenges and graduated from Yale University and University of Michigan Medical School.
Ben’s anti-charisma and lack of preparedness during the 2020 primary’s seemed disturbing and made most cringe .
Ben would appear to most as an empty suit .

That is your opinion and obviously you haven’t spent much time listening to him speak at various levels of intellect. You still haven’t answered my questions about JD Vance and what he brings to the table.

Securing votes in Ohio .
The largely unknown Bernie Moreno was rising in the Republican primary for Ohio’s other Senate seat, and Vance believed that Trump — whose endorsement elevated him in a crowded field two years earlier — could again be the kingmaker.

Trump was convinced and called Moreno on the spot to offer his backing, three sources familiar with the meeting said. Months later, when polls showed Moreno struggling to put the race away, Trump, again with Vance’s urging, flew in for a last-minute rally.

The gamble paid off for Trump last week, as Moreno won in a landslide that reinforced Trump’s influence in GOP primaries. And it could soon pay off for Vance, 39, who is among those mentioned as a potential running mate for Trump.

I have to disagree with you on this one. Ben is extremely intelligent, soft spoken, articulate and 180* from Trump’s bombastic personality… the perfect foil.

I really don’t care for any of the 3 on the short list BUT Ben is my least favorite . J D has Jr’s ear .

I like him, but I don’t want his seat vacated.

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More on Ben Carson


I am going to go out on a limb here and say that it’s going to be Ron DeSsntis. He is going to have to find a successor if Florida is to remain red.

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Too bad he isn’t on Trump’s short list . He would be my pick .

Well… Vance it is.


The true story of JD Vance. A Ron Howard film.

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A real tough life that 99% of today’s politicians never had to endure .