Will J D Vance be our next VP?

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Pete Hegseth made a great point about Vance having to endure what every average American has to endure right now. His experience is relevant to what most Americans can relate to and will be on point with that message as the campaign gets into full swing.

Remember I said a few weeks ago, its going to be a bumpy ride and so far we are seeing that. I wonder what they have planned next. IMO its going to be something in the line of a Foreign war. Guess which one?

Also Lindsey Graham hated this pick and for obvious reasons! Vance has been outspoken about funding the Ukraine war from the very beginning.

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Is a flaming homo and seen as much cock as heels up !!!

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That is a given, and I know people who belong in the republican insiders club in South Carolina who confirmed as such. Also Trey Gowdy and Tim Scott is a well known secret that they too are a little too friendly with members who play with the same equipment.

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Why in the hell is the party infected with so many turncoat RINO’S ?