Why Socialism and Communism Are the Same



A president has never in the history spent a dim without authorization from CONGRESS

Simple concept and it’s imbedded in the constitution.

Try not spreading false information and lies.

Monte* is commonly used to point out lies by monte.

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9-11, Rita, Katrina, Three of the most expensive disasters in US history.

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why are medical bills the number one reason for bankruptcy in the US if everyone has access to so much free healthcare?

You cannot use the ER as your primary care physician.

You are correct but it certainly drives government.

Because no healthcare is free, someone has to pay for it.

We don’t all have access to “the very best” but anyone regardless of ability to pay can get basic healthcare in the US.

Do I have to start calling you Captain Obvious. Everyone understands that free healthcare comes with a cost but it is free at point of service.

Anyone can get basic healthcare regardless of ability to pay? Complete bullshit. Millions of Americans go without prescriptions because they cannot afford them or just as bad ration them.

There is a significant percentage of Americans that avoid doctor visits due to cost.

Prescriptions are not “healthcare” they are “Pharmaceuticals”.

If you’re poor and can’t get insurance through your employer there’s medicaid, if you can’t qualify for medicaid you go to the ER.

Obama care drove up both premiums and out of pocket costs so take that up with him and Nancy.

Tell that to the tens of thousands of Americans if not millions who do not go to the doctor because of cost. News flash - You still get a bill from the ER.

Absolutely moronic to say prescriptions are not connected to healthcare. Try telling someone who does not get their insulin to manage their diabetes that insulin is not considered part of their healthcare. As I said your post is completely moronic. But I have to remind myself it is TWR making the post.

Only the most idiotic individuals would deny that there is a cost barrier for many Americans who need medical treatment.

What’s moronic is your entire premise.

Yes people can go bankrupt due to medical bills just like they can go banrupt for any number of other reasons.

that problem has only grown worse due to Obamacare.

“Access to healthcare” refers to getting seen and treated, not the price of pharmaceuticals.

You will get treated at the ER regardless of ability to pay.

Nobody is denying there are “cost barriers”. There are cost barriers for everything from groceries to cars, homes, clothing, and ■■■■■■■ and about everything else as well.

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This is a legitimate question and I have been wanting to answer this but haven’t had time to do it.

IMO the US has the best hospitals and Medical care in all of the Western nations, and for the most part there was a time when it was affordable for everyone until prices started affecting many facets of the healthcare industry. For me personally I don’t believe healthcare is a right, but a service, however I do believe the healthcare industry also doesn’t have the right to flat out game the system and price gouge people like they have for the past 30 years resulting in skyrocketing costs. The insurance providers along with the pharmaceutical companies are Washington’s biggest lobbyists and practically made it a monopoly to the point that the free market mechanisms are not allowed to compete on an even playing field. It was always my contention that in order to have affordable care and prescription drugs at prices that the commoner can afford, that the pricing issue would have to be addressed first. If you do a deep dive into this issue, it was never about offering affordable healthcare when Obama rolled out his signature healthcare plan, but another mechanism to redistribute wealth by creating another form of taxation. It was destined to fail due to the fact that the pricing issue was purposely being ignored because those in Washington who profited handsomely by the lobbying cartel of the healthcare industry were paid to do so. In a nut shell, if the free market were allowed a level playing field by implementing pricing controls then the Free Market competition would act as a self correcting measure that would bring those prices down. Until that is fixed, we will continue to be saddled with this problem. Also to add insult to injury, we already had a safety net in place such as Medicaid and Medicare for people who qualified, and instead of fixing the problems associated with inflation and the rising costs I mentioned earlier we still would have a system in place that would still be working today, instead Obama practically sabotaged those programs in order to pay for his healthcare law, and prior to him becoming president, politicians from both parties continued to ignore the problem. Remember Hillary Clinton when she was first lady during her husband’s presidency tried to spear head this issue only to end up with failure in addressing this problem. It is not about a socialistic program in a capitalistic market driven economy, but addressing the pricing issue and the big moneyed interests in Washington that is writing policy not the politicians who were elected to solve problems as this. There have been many who have pointed out this problem long before I am articulating here, such as physicians, care providers who know exactly what it is that is affecting this industry in such a way that many are leaving their professions due to the costs of doing business in a hostile climate. Politicians use it as a lightning rod for their base in order to score popular points with their constituents, but always fail in delivering their promises due to the fact they know they are lying. Its a endless cycle and until the price issue is addressed this will continue to be an issue, and it works right around election time as well, especially if you are a Democrat.

Yeah let’s add to the fray Monte by diluting the conversation that you were not a part of by adding your worthless 2 cents of your mindless copy and paste bullshit!

It was apparently written by someone other than a mathematician.


Percentage wise, that’s too many people! :nerd_face:

Notice that the article excerpted here doesn’t claim medical bills cause bankruptcy as Democrat politicians do. The weasel wording is tied. As in tied to bankruptcy, not the sole cause. That’s how they “conclude” medical expenses are responsible. :roll_eyes:

Living paycheck to paycheck with no savings then getting too sick to work is a potent combination for bankruptcy. Obamacare increased the maximum income for Medicare by 40% encouraging more people to live on the brink of bankruptcy. :roll_eyes:

The so-called research is rigged to blame medical expenses for bankruptcy. Nobody can be blamed for getting sick like they can be for the giant mortgage, luxury car, and mid 5 figure student loan.

Except student loan debt can’t be claimed in bankruptcy!

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Medical Bankruptcy Is Killing The American Middle Class


Right. So, if you have $60K in college loan debt even $5k in medical bills can be reported as tied to your bankruptcy. This inflates the impact of medical bills on bankruptcy. :grimacing:

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So medical bankruptcy is not really an issue? Weird because you will be hard pressed to find any reputable source claiming that.

Look at the cost of insulin doubling in price to around $450-$500 per month for no other reason but big pharma wants go maximize their profits. They are the ones that helped to create the opioid crisis which is devastating this country.

I have a horrible feeling that it will not be too long before medical debt will not be able to written off in bankruptcy.

I will say Trump seems to be genuine in his desire to Bring down the costs of medications.

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Medical bills are the number one “cited” reason for bankruptcies but then look at how the people are living who file.

2-3, maybe even four cars and a huge house they are paying mortgages on?

The family cell phone plan that costs 4-500.00 pr/mo or more?

300.00 pr/mo for cable, another hundred or more for HS internet, even more for gaming subscriptions and other forms of entertainment?

We seem to have lost the concept of what actual necessities and priorities are in this country for the most part.

Key part there. Unless you have Aflac or something similar if you’re off work for weeks or months at a time all your bills are going to pile up just because you have no income and few Americans even have a 500.00 emergency reserve fund.