He didn’t cave, Max. He wanted the shutdown because it forced the MSM to run stories about the border and the numbers of illegals coming in. The were also forced to run stories on the drugs, criminals, child abuse and rapes and how ridiculous the dems position was. He also has had no help from the repub leadership. Ryan and mcconnell should have gotten the wall resolved when they had the majority. Trump is the consummate strategist and one must understand how many odds he has to fight to get things done.
Certainly explains why he reversed his position on granting amnesty for 300k TPS illegals. Oh wait.
Trump is the consummate strategist and one must understand how many odds he has to fight to get things done.
Wiley, you need to spend more time analyzing what I said and less coming up with a “snappy” answer. Trump is pulling the wagon almost alone and has to change tactics to counter the “enemy”. Were I a military commander using your tactics of doing exactly what I said, I would end up getting my men killed by not changing to meet changing conditions. I can assure you if Trump allows 300,000 to stay, they will be educated, self supporting, non welfare individuals that can contribute to the country. The math: out of the 12,000,000 estimated illegals in our country 300,000 works out to 2.5%. Really a big deal??
Whatever. You are obviously carrying water for Trump. There is absolutely zero evidence that a single one of these 300k illegals that Trump was against granting amnesty for just two months ago will be a net positive for the country, but anything to defend a decision that makes little to no sense after how many months of battling Congress over wall funding. I get it.
US “Gets Its Ass Handed To It” In World War III Simulation: RAND Corporatio
My basic reply was: “then maybe you should leave.”
I was thinking that most times you really don’t know what you got until you end up losing it. You know like that girl you dated and you ended up fucking it up because you were too blind to see? I am sure we all been there before, but lady Liberty is that girl at the dance, and she is asking us to come join her, but we are hesitant, before too long, she will not wait for cold feet and will another dance partner!
My point is, we better start waking up to refute these morons! Indifference is not going to cut it anymore! Either sink or swim!
Socialism - - - History has shown us - - - Always diminishing returns; and in the end, the bottom always falls out. Called documented in stone history. What part of that do our supporters of socialism not understand? It always fails; but other than that, it looks good. NOTHING IS FREE EXCEPT THE GRACE OF GOD ( if you deserve it ).
Typically the uneducated foot soldiers of a socialist movement think that socialism is some new thing that popped up out of the mind of a brilliant man named Marx.
Little do they realize that even the ancient Athenians ridiculed socialism in their comedies. How apropos is it that Aristophenes’ comedy The Ecclesiazusae from 2500 years ago was about a few women taking control of their legislative body and creating a socialistic state?!
Ecclesiazusae translates to “The AssemblyWomen”
An excerpt.
PRAXAGORA to the audience
Let none contradict nor interrupt me until I have explained my plan. I want all to have a share of everything and all property to be in common; there will no longer be either rich or poor; no longer shall we see one man harvesting vast tracts of land, while another has not ground enough to be buried in, nor one man surround himself with a whole army of slaves,while another has not a single attendant; I intend that there shan only be one and the same condition of life for all.
But the uneducated morons will still prance in their phallic costumes, with unshaven women dressed up like men, and extol the virtues of this ridiculous system.
This is their star rising!
This is rich!
It’s all pretty funny until they win, then it’s not very funny