US "Gets Its Ass Handed To It" In World War III Simulation: RAND Corporation

Maybe it’s time to rethink how to fight two front wars. A conventional strategy of preparing to meet an adversary on their home ground and getting chewed up in the process might be outdated.

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Of course the easiest solution to that problem would be, not being enemies with Russia.


I can’t really see us going to war with China. If that happens the Chinese will lose their biggest consumer market. Without us the Chinese economy collapses.

Shouldn’t surprise anyone, at least half the residents of this country are potential fifth columnists.

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The military industrial complex Rand Corporation says we need more money for war :ok_hand:

I wonder if they are including all of the secret super advanced weapons the US has been spending half a trillion dollars a year on for the past 15 years in that simulation?

Having experienced war myself I’ll never hope for war, if it does become inevitable send the sons and daughters of the politicians to the front lines.


Exactly…let’s all just forget about dark tech, the real reason there has not been a WWIII or another nuclear missile crisis.

  1. I don’t know how much I trust a defense contractor about anything, much less something that sounds like it’s looking for more money.

  2. If a lion had half its body infested with leeches, it’ll lose against hyenas.

  3. I’m an American and I don’t even want us to win any more. There’s nothing about this country that I have experienced that makes me want to fight for it.


You mean to tell me that a military industrial complex think tank says that the US isn’t prepared and should definitely spend more money with defense contractors?


Yeah. I knew a guy in college who would grab people by the shirt collar, cock his fist and demand “you’re my friend, right?” I’d love to be friends. :neutral_face:

Fake news. We’ll kick anyone’s ass!!!1111

The Clintons handing China tech, they and others sitting (or being bribed) by why the ChiComs or Russia grabbed up strategic resources, and all kinds of stuff like that there sure hasn’t helped our cause.

But, hey, Obama stood with Islam…

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I can tell you this, if this country gets into a war and drafts my daughters, I won’t be on the side of this country. If a country doesn’t have the decency to protect it’s women, I don’t want anything to do with it.

Well, I can say this, having been in certain circles, that the US has weapons that no one has ever heard of before and is far advanced than China or Russia would ever deploy. In other words, the US still has a few Aces in the hole. That being said, there would still be massive casualties on all sides however.

You should move to a different country then!

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If things keep going they way they are, I doubt I’ll stick around. I have no desire to stick around for social democracy.

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There is no place on Earth that would be a refuge from WWIII.


So now that we are not in your psuedo-intellectual thread on anarchism and communism, and you are not brand new, and not posting in the open forum involuntarily, and taking a swipe at our free country, I dont think I will be guilty of the same crimes as Verv when I now simply repeat his words, which were constructed apparently after reading your childish posts in the anarchism vs communism thread.

“Anarchism = strongest will rule. 'Stateless communism - there [is] no such thing. You want to overthrow a Democratic Capitalist society for a utopia that can’t exist in the real world. This is the type of topic dumbass teens who want to feel smart discuss.” Verv

By the way, you likely would not be able to have a similar political exchange of ideas if you lived in the kind of state that you propose.

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This story reeks of the same clickbait article that was published a few years ago stating that “a WW3 simulation against China was run and the US lost!” when in reality it was to see if in a worst case scenario where preemptive Chinese cruise missile and bombing raids completely wiped out all of Taiwan’s air force and air defense network and there were no carrier groups in the area to assist, could the US Air Force elements stationed in Japan be able to repel an invasion of Taiwan alone?


The one thing that we learned about wargaming simulation at DARPA in the 90’s was that whatever outcome the simulation predicts will not be the final result of a real conflict. This even extends to jittering parameters and looking at the range of outcomes.
This is not to say that simulation is not useful for insight, training, and analysis, just that taking any up/down answer from sim is a fools errand.

Look at the global temperature trends and the error-bars in the early '00’s. We are several years out from Arctic ice cap gone and Polar bears extinct.
Garbage In (data and/or design), Garbage Out.

Rand is making MITRE look good lately.

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