Why Millenials Want Socialism in America

Define public ownership.

Will the public buy companies, own and manage them? How will they distribute the profits from the companies, a dollar to each American citizen? Who determines who will run the business? A national vote? Who will determine who will work at each company? Who will determine the cost of goods and services? Who will determine the benefits for employees? How will the public owned company generate capital for investment? Businesses use stocks and bonds. How will the public deal with debt of the company?

Clearly you have little understanding of how a business is run today.


Strange given the multiple occupations he supposedly has. :wink:

LOL, a perfect example of a person claiming anything they want.

Unfortunately the question it posed exposed th lack of understanding how a business is organized, run, costs etc.

Millenials want socialism because they cannot make it in a market economy, most dont have the skill, the talent let alone the drive.

This is why Alexandra Ocasio Castro Cortez and Bernie appeals to them

Millennials blame the world for their mistakes, they go to college, major in useless programs and receive a degree which is useless, they expected a 6 figure job because they have a useless degree , thousands of dollars in Student loans and if they do find a job its usually retail or minimum wage and then they suckered into believing that they are entitled to other peopleā€™s wealth.

other people who didnā€™t obtain useless degrees and actually worked to improve their skills to get a better paying gig or was bitten by the entrepreneur bug

At least millennials knows the difference between a frappuccino and cappuccino

AOC, Bernie et al are there to exploit those who blame the world for their mistakes.

They are predatory, political capitalists.

Virtually no one has the skill when first entering the workforce. In the past people learned the skills over a period of time. Today they expect everything to be spoon fed, given to them and not have to work for it.

prior to the entitled millennials coming into the workforce or college, most worked a part time job, part time entrepreneurship or a full time summer job to get experience working

today its not the case most refuses to work part time or cannot work part time Im guessing their transgendered dance studies does not giving them time to get a part time job or want a part time job, they are too busy protesting conservative opposition

That is kind of harsh, Max.

How are kids supposed to work a part time job or gain experience when those jobs are filled by illegals?

What is a kid to do when their lemonade stand is shut down for lack of ā€œpermitā€.

What is a kid to do when their entire environment teaches them from parent to educator to protest conservatism?

Capitalism favors nuclear household structures and married couples.

Households more typical among descendant black people in America are more suited to the ā€œvillage modelā€ and socialism.

Basically, more government help to buffer the informality of these family arrangements.

Personally - I hate hearing black people denounce Socialism as if we have ever benefited from Capitalismā€¦

ā€¦just gonna put in a plug for the farm raised, home schooled girls with degrees in engineering or physics.

We hired one. Hard worker, conscientious. And the unmarried guysā€¦ (and unfortunately some of the married) always seem to have some reason to want to talk to her about this project or thatā€¦ even after work.


I find a lot of liberal indoctrinated kids dont want to work, refuses to work or have to desire to work
Most of these teenagers doesnt want to get out bed before noon on the weekends

talking about talking out of your ass, try your best to get educated on what capitalism is

Funny thing is black household with educated two parent families does extremely well, care to explain that comrade?

and that folks is a prime example of one of the problems plaguing the liberal african american community

thank you for proving my point

And you havenā€™t benefited from any forms of socialism, has any african country ruled by black dictator benefited from Socialism?

Do you know what " Ujamaa" is?

Perhaps in your world.

Here teens are largely unemployed as employers prefer illegals to teens as illegals can work 40+ hours a week, say absolutely nothing. During my daughters HS years she put out 20 applications per year. Zero response.

In college she was finally able to find a job.

As a side note she is not a liberal in any sense.


Did you miss the part where I said ā€œMOSTā€ not ā€œALLā€

I donā€™t know where ā€œhereā€ is. And this is why the Government instead of trying to dig up dirt on Trump to impeach him they should concentrate catching employers that hire illegals and punish them

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Most is also incorrect as many work part time in this country when allowed. The most would refer to the cities.

Here is the front range shit hole cities, Denver, Boulder, Ft. Collins, Greeley, Aurora and a few smaller attached cities.

And this is the democrats in the House. The democrats in the Senate with the full backing of the media.

Every week another guest contestant, usually hawking a new book or lawsuit. One week it is Stormy Daniels, another week James Comey, another Michael Avenatti. One week Peter Strzok, another Andrew McCabe, another John Brennan. Just for fun, Omarosa.
On the special edition :slight_smile:
Perjury Month: it is Blasey Ford, then Julie Swetnick, then Michael Cohen.
When the contestants dry up, they trot them out again for game show summer reruns.
Each gets a week to level wild accusations, and then they go back into the closet.

Oh look, @nia is back! Hi girly! Where have you been? You provide such an iconic contribution to discussions, itā€™s hard to miss.

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You never benefited from capitalism because you were too busy living on the Democratic plantation! You were too busy feeding the grievance industry, playing the victim and producing feral children out wedlock that bought into gangland culture! Yeah! Clueless idiots like you will always blame it on someone else instead taking responsibility for your own actions and decisions in life! You have no argument and you already lose when you put forth ideas not grounded in sound logic that forces to look at yourself first!

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Perhaps a little wager that it doesnā€™t responds to any comment is in order. We could up the odds that it wonā€™t be a comment without a racial overtone.

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Just curious, do you tie every comment you make to black people?

Are you a racist as you exclude all other minorities in the US.

Illegals will also work at or below minimum wage without complaining. Teens on the other hand who arenā€™t paid tend to stop showing up for work.

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