Why Millenials Want Socialism in America

Yes, like that. Do you need to see the definition again?


Here let Eric Holder explain to you why white people aren’t protected by hate crime laws.

Crickets! Imagine that!

What is wrong with public ownership again? I thought the boogie man definition was “government” ownership of the means of production. Because government = bad.

First I am hearing that people are against public ownership of the mean of production.

I should have read up on it more, I assumed there was some local or state statute preventing anyone from obtaining a controlling interest. Turns out it’s a non-profit and the people who own don’t really own anything, given they can’t sell the stock for a profit. So there is no public owning of the means of production because it doesn’t produce anything, it’s a charity. And buying it’s stock is nothing more than a charitable donation without the tax break.

Millennials want socialism because they want free whatever they can get period, full stop. It all sounds so wonderful- Gov’t provided:
Education, including higher education
Living wage - whether you are able to work or not; whether you are willing to work or not.
All future jobs must be unionized

Without going into how certain other countries provide parts of this, one party - the Democrats promise these things without caveat, without restrictions, and without a way to pay for them. Hare brained schemes and pre- cooking the books on costs make it seem like ‘we’ll just give the super rich a haircut and that’ll more than cover it’. “Our greatest challenge will be what do with the increased prosperity” - I believe Herbert Hoover use “prosperity” in one of his infamous quotes…
The money to pay for al those things is as illusory as AOC’s ‘pot of 3 billion dollars’.

Free healthcare is medicare for all. Only a fool doubts that this will be means tested, and that high earners will have to pay for their care anyway, along with stupendous new tax rates. For the high earners, there would sprout up cash only doctors who are the best, everyone else would get the shitty care that is already free today.
Free college- in Germany, where Universities are tuition free the average 9 nth grader knows more than the average American college junior- both in depth and breadth. Only a relative few are allowed to partake in the University experience- rigorous testing, without regard to race, gender etc. Do poorly on the exams (that start in junior high) - it’s off to apprenticeship for factory work.

Imagine a Democrat voting for that.

Living wage assurance and unionization of al future job openings- The first UBI - would be the greatest pander in human history, the second, forced unionization, is what you find in France- where unemployment of the millennial generation is 20.1% Businesses don’t hire if they can’t fire because unlike millennials, business owners and other adults know the economy is cyclic, and that some employees are like some renters- shitty human beings who are also lazy and dishonest.

Then there’s crazy shit like:

Capturing cow farts
Replacing all int. combustion cars with electric
Reparations to those whose favor must be courted at the moment

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I’m still curious why public ownership of a company would be bad…

It wouldn’t, government getting involved to prevent private ownership however would be.

Its only not bad if it’s voluntarily. If one can still choose to create a privately owned company then… hey … that is freedom and the two companies can compete with one another, which is always good. If somone wanting to create a company is forced, however, to make it a publically owned company, that is not American.

You notice that in capitalist countries like the United States of America, people have always been free to create these co-ops or publically owned companies. But have you noticed that in forced socialist countries, one is not free to privately own a company. Which system has greater freedom?


I feel there are a few factors that have contributed to today’s wish for socialism among my peers (being a millennial myself):

  • The education system- I believe that K-12 and 4-year institutions
  • Too strict (or perhaps, not strict enough) parenting
  • Lack of integrity being taught by society
  • which in turn, teaches kids not being able to deal with delayed gratification, too much self-absorption, and overall, lack of maturity.

There’s also schools sanitizing history and leaving out some of the more darker times of the past. Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.

I think that schools and other authorities are failing the kids, and it’s starting to show. We aren’t born with hatred for anyone (in this case, for the rich and corporations), but it is instilled by outside sources- whether it be other people, the news media, etc.

Over time, socialism has been destroying the country from the inside out.

That said, I can also see where they are coming from. College tuition has rose drastically over the last few decades, and it makes sense that kids my age would want policies that will help them with that expense (such as raising minimum wage). What I don’t agree with, is that they don’t have enough wisdom to be able to discern that the very people trying to “help” them are the same people who hurt them.


Because then the government can justify taking the fruits of another person’s labor.

I do agree, Pragmatic, that some socialism is necessary to help those who cannot help themselves, but I feel that the Democrats are taking it to extremes, and that allows people to misuse the system.

A perfect economy is not pure capitalism or pure socialism. It is in the middle, where government and private corporate powers are checked by each other.

In today’s world of technology, kids are looking at people from other countries and seeing what those countries choose to show to the world. And they want it, too. But what they don’t realize, is the drawbacks of choosing such a system.

This never gets old…in America.

@Pragmatic and AOC are wanting us to sign that paper and drink from the magic bottle. I bet you look good in your long pink coat, bowtie, and orange superfly hat, Prag.

Mr. Know it all strikes again.

Yeah, like most of your other “contributions” here, your interpretation of the article in the OP is garbage.

Who cares what the author believes it means? Like socialism magically means more than one thing now?

There is only one definition: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

It’s called brainwashing. Socialism in marxist theory is the transitional state between the overthrow of capitalism and replacing it with communism. Now what was the article in the OP talking about again? Hmm…

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Not strict enough. Internet, TV, and video games parenting instead of the parents and the force of government being used against anyone who does decide to actually parent and physically disciplines their children. Then we wonder why so many of these kids are growing up to be self important entitled brats. Spare the rod. Go figure.

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That is pretty much the heart of this post, as others gravitated to the narrative of socialism. Of course both are valid, but you hit very succinctly what desperately needs to be addressed and that is our educational system in which should provide a non political unbiased view of history and not a program of systemic indoctrination which over time has eroded a honest approach to educating our citizens to be good stewards of carrying on American exceptionalism. It basically will destroy our country if we don’t address this problem. Some believe its too late, and that challenging such problems would take a major revolution. AOC is all about revolution in the opposite end of the spectrum that is antithetical to Patriot freedom loving Americans, so maybe using the same inertia of the left’s cause to use against them is a better approach to meaningful change?

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A social democrat that is a capitalist is a statist. Believes that the answer for all things is through the state or government. One canot be a true socialist and believe in the state and capital.