Why Kamala Harris Will Be the Democratic Presidential Nominee

Never mind. I tried to explain the legal requirements and the differences between the 5 types of citizen in the U.S. Constitution. Your assertion is incorrect.
Harris is a 14th Amendment anchor baby not a natural born citizen. (The 14th A citizenship is disputed if any anchor baby is a U.S. citizen.)

No I understand your premise, as well as the 14th Nor am I trying to play contrarian here but my point is that the 14th as far as anchor baby is concerned is open to interpretation and hasn’t been challenged legally in any case law as a reference. So the fact she was born on US soil, will no doubt make it difficult to challenge her qualifications based on your argument. If it were easy then that means illegals who birthed anchor babies would fall under the same argument rendering their citizenship status as being null and void for running for President as well.

Fourteenth Amendment anchor babies is a separate argument, on which we seem to agree there is a legal interpretation to be made, still.
Just as a Corvette is an automobile, not all automobiles are Corvettes. A born citizen, a natural born citizen or a naturalized citizen are all citizens, but a born citizen may not be a natural born citizen.
If I tell you that baby is legally my son versus that child is my natural son. You have a different impression of what I am saying. There can be a difference.

Obama’s grandmother said he was born in Kenya…and she was there at the time.

She said this…until somebody paid her to STFU!

That is a good point, which leads me to believe that #heelsupharris will be the female version of Obama with all possible vetting to be shut down!

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Kamala Harris is definitely a sleazy, dishonest BITCH! She’s in the same category as Hillary Clinton.


Definitely a candidate for AG in a Democratic Administration.

Tulsi is awesome, and would smoke Trump, but the MSM will not let her have a foothold. Her anti war platform is a non starter.

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#heelsupharris needs to be destroyed, like all communist democrats!

Nobody. The courts have decided to avoid the issue entirely.

That ship sailed with Bobby Jindal on it.

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It sailed before that with BHO.

This isn’t the conspiracy thread LMO. Even Trump conceded that Obama is a natural born citizen…

Awe! What’s the matter Monty? You triggered with butthurt for attacking your messiah?

Yet you keep interjecting your own supposed conspiracy by the media to Keep Gabbard from winning… . Pot you’re sitting in a black kettle.

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The constitution doesn’t define “natural born citizen”, but the consensus is persons born in the United States.

You take Donald Trump’s word as the gospel truth?

The U.S. Constitution doesn’t define militia, speech, religion, etc. either. What is your point?

No. Trump conceded that Obama was born in the US. That is not the same as “natural born citizen.” The traditional meaning of the latter also involves the citizenship of the parents. However, the point is moot, in as much as the Courts have settled on the modern meaning.

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