Why is Everyone Against Socialism?

Really, where’s those quotes?

It’s parasites feeding off of providers.

Sooner or later the parasite load gets so high they kill the provider and that’s where we’re rapidly heading.

Once all of the wealth is stripped from the top 1%, you have to lower the bar to the top 5%, then 10-20…50%.

Only 47% of the country in 2016 had a net positive tax liability as it is so it won’t be long before the golden goose has been killed, plucked, and eaten once we start down that road.

All the US posters who demonize “socialism” and “communism” are missing the point. China has a one-party system that revolves around a party called the Communist Party. Call it what you like, but at the end of the day that system (of big centralized government) has performed a lot better than the US system. And not only economically. While the USA has been creating enemies all over the world, China has been creating friends: the two foreign policies stand in stark contrast, especially if one compares the military budget that the USA and China spend to protect their interests. The USA has spent almost ten times more than China over the last decade, and China seems to have gotten ten times more with ten times less.

The very reason to oppose a socialist regime has been weakened by the USA itself: the undemocratic Chinese system ends up electing a competent and responsible leader like Xi, who is respected all over the world, whereas the democratic US system ends up electing incompetent leaders like George W Bush and now even Donald Trump who are despised everywhere in the world (except Russia).

Do you live in Red China?

That is demonstrably false! Xi is not respected all over the world, and your statement only proves your lack of experience of living in other places in the world to know that perspective! By putting forth such myopic views you end up looking like an angry brat who can’t make an accurate statement based on personal experience! Yours is a wanting for an excuse to place the blame on America for your deficiencies in life! Epic failure on all accounts by you!

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I’ll pick this one comment out and generally agree with it, though I can’t conclude that communism has served the Chinese citizenry better than the socialist/capitalist system has served Americans.

But that is more a reflection of the American people than our system…

Horse hockey. China has been following the model we set at the end of WWII after our own leaders were too stupid to keep following it here.

Trump is trying to remedy that.

All China is doing right now is buying influence around the world for their own future benefit and those countries will one day pay a terrible price for letting the camel’s nose under the tent.

As a UK observer I like DT. He is strong knows what he is trying to achieve.

BTW the majority of defence spending in the last decade was influenced by people like Hillary.

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What…? The Obama administration cut military spending to the harsh criticism of conservatives and the harshest criticism from Trump, who has sharply increased it at the expense of a swelling national debt and RECORD HIGH budget deficits, despite his braggadocious promises to do the OPPOSITE!!!

Every defense budget and supplimental war funding bill passed with strong democratic support.

The only reduction in deficits under the previous administration came as a result of suquestration which Obama swore would destroy the economy and lead us into depression.

And has failed miserably…

It is you that is ignorant of economic history my friend, Im going to give a brief history, there were two China’s

  1. Mao’s China
  2. Modern China
    Mao’s China followed Marx’s principals and the Soviet principle, Mao was a huge fan of Lenin.
    Mao followed the soviet model ( all the 5 year plans) Mao and Stalin didn’t exactly see eye to eye, mainly because of personality.
    Mao and Khrushchev relationship was shit and China went on her own, Stalin before that sent Economic aid.

Mao almost ran China into the ground, the best thing Mao did for China was he died.
deng xiaoping when he took over opened up economic zones starting with 13 cities and that was a runaway success so he decided to reform China’s policies

Economic zones are capitalist in nature, you know profit, open markets, market economy things the USA is known for.

Modern Day China is a mixture of crony capitalism and Chinese state socialism (central planning) the only thing communist about them is their Party’s name, while there are no free elections, its still a mixed economy

This is irrelevant , what does this have to do with socialism? you are showing your bias.
China spends a ton of money domestic and foreign, why do you think China has so many high speed rails, why do you think certain African countries are starting to prosper.

Do you know how much debt China holds in the USA?

Fear vs respected, yes that is a great comparison, You think Obama was respected all over the world?
China snubbed obama a few times, so did Germany, and a few other countries.

Many viewed Obama as charismatic, and some believed he was inept and weak, hence why China occupied the South China seas under Obama and wouldn’t dare try that with Bush 43, even that scumbag Putin didn’t fear Obama as he walked into Crimea and Ukraine virtually untouched.


I was answering the statement by BrewMaster

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Caught with his pants down tapping Angela Merkel’s phone.


That was more likely the NSA. But nevertheless, it’s a fact that Obama was vastly more popular around the world than Trump, and remains far more popular right here in America than Trump today.

WoW! A history revisionist.

Excellent work Max. Spot on.

I’d rather be respected than popular.

Obama was popular because was an ass kisser, bootlicker, and apologist to countries that hated us. Of course he was popular there.


He also no longer feels the need to pretend he’s not a Democrat so he doesn’t hurt them in elections.

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