Whree's all the retrumpliCON members

Yeah says the DaJackoff who can’t spell, write proper English and uses antiquated terms like “tooth fairy” as put downs. We all know you are a first rate Moron and thus your projection OL is properly diagnosed. Someone needs to slap your parents for bringing your idiocy to the world.

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They know this. It’s just decrepit old men who are talking tough because they are pissed that their little g god was repudiated by Americans in a super landslide defeat by a sleepy old man from his basement…:man_shrugging:

Joe “beat the pants off of him”, as Scaramuchi said…:rofl:

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Hey here’s dr.manhole…looks like you spend a lot of time at your circle jerkers club filling
up that hole of yours… huh
My posts are crafted for aa bunch of morons like yourself… spelling doesn’t matter…grammar
doesn’t matter…or nothing else matters the only thing that matters IS THAT’S WHAT I WANT
TO DO got it bimbo!.. and right now I want to tell you queeers like yourself need to be called out for what you are… guys that meet up at clubs to get it in all you openings are disgusting…did your daddy teach you that huh you’re a red neck and your ilk has justified incest to be part of your culture for hundreds of years…in fact your kind has. tried to get the laws against incest repealed every year since they were put in place…your God trumputin is the leader of that type of disgusting life…we know what he was doing with ivanka as a teen…you’re a jakofazhol CAN YOU READ IT HUH

Damn, Monte… got both of you going at the same time again…lol. You should pick one of you and just stick with that one. :wink:

And how good it is!!..these morons here think trumputin will just go along like he did before
this massive mistake he made in Washington… He won’'t… he’s losing people as we speak…
Once you put the leaders of all these groups in jail everything falls apart…

The government/ and the good people of the USA will not let these crazies keep up this shit…

I can agree with that. Trumpers sent Trump to Washington to purge the swamp…

Sure has backfired on them all. In a dozen days, Trump will slink out of town, tail between his legs, under cover of darkness without the fanfare and farewell that every other president has enjoyed…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

They let the crazies burn down businesses, take over cities and destroy stores and walk out with all the goods.

LM keeps telling you that this all could have been avoided if democrats would have just investigated all the accusations of fraud.

Well, never minding that they would never have accepted the results of such investigations, one better was done. Trumps OWN DOJ/FBI investigated the claims of election fraud and found NOTHING. And HIS OWN DHS and the guy that HE appointed to run CISA said that this was the most secure election in election history…

So, they get nothing else…ITS OVER!

You don’t seem to understand that there are many “republicans” that want Trump out just as much, if not more than the Democrats. Why is is o hard for you to understand that “The Swamp” isn’t and never has been just about Democrats??? Trump threatens their very power, wealth and influence on the 1%. It’s really no surprise that the snakes are crawling out to save their own asses.

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I’ve been posting commentary by republicans that want trump out, all over this board…:man_shrugging:

And there are very few that agree with what happened there…but your retrumpliCONs tried to capture some in congress and kill them 5 got killed “hang pence” that was their rant overthrow the government
the facts are you’ve lost the government of the USA will not let this go forward…if it does we will have to build more prisons…then we will see how many tuff guys you have…

The jerk off than was the leader of canon in Arizona is crying to the FBI right now saying “the president told us to come to Washington”. all will be crying when they go to jail and get their az reamed out