I suspect he will voluntarily leave office for personal medical reasons during the first year…
Well yes it could be that also, but they will have forced him to do it so Kameltoe can take over.
Look at Creepy Joe, he’s already half dead, there’s not one picture where he doesn’t look like he’s totally demented and ready for the grave and his return to his father The Devil in Hell where Creepy Joe and his follower were all spawned:
Look at the below picture of this fucking DEMENTED MANIAC! The sheer organic HATE just oozes from him, this lunatic is now supposed to represent America APPARENTLY. Does this LOOK like a man who wants everyone to come together and heal like he says he does? Or does this LOOK like a man who would ENJOY giving the order to go around and start shooting Trump supporters and hunting down the ones that escape the Federal and/or UN bullets?
You will be told what to do and YOU WILL DO IT…and any sheriffs that don’t do it will be fired period…
None of you are Patriots you are a bunch of terrorists…why don’t you identify yourself in public and we will go through your threads and we will see if you keep your job…haha
We will have the rule of law returned since crazy trumputin the con man has trashed it for 4 years…
get out of line and YOU’LL be in jail to…just watch it…
So says the dictator.
And you called Trump a dictator and here we are the racist leftist telling people they will do wha they are told.
Seems the real little dictators are emerging from the closet.
The rule of law is and absolute joke and the democrats and you have made it exactly that with the fraud claims that YOU and your party refuse to investigate.
Little early in the day isn’t it monte???
It isn’t the look that counts but his speech and his mannerism that speak to a serious case of dementia.
Law and order will return and we could have elected the devil and it would have been
a big step up from crazy trumputin the con man murderer…350.000 have died because this shit hole trumputin lying fuk… he and his family will be paid back for sure
Wrong. We had a meeting this morning and took a vote and a majority said that we will do what WE think is RIGHT and we are not taking orders off anybody fucking else.
You obviously are an idiot because you don’t know that NOBODY gives orders to the Sheriff’s Department, there is not a City Mayor nor a State Governor that has ANY jurisdiction over the Sheriff’s Department, we are NOT the Police where they can push us around and also IF need be we can and WILL Deputize ANY member of the public to assist us and if the SHTF we WILL Deputize our State Militia to assist us and we are within are legal grounds to do this.
As a side point, I have literally Deputized 2 members of the public. There was a robbery committed by 4 POS who were armed, later I found only one was armed but at the time I had no idea if all were armed.
I gave chase in my vehicle, they were on foot, they ran down an alley and I had to vacate my vehicle and I flagged down a pick-up truck and said “Are you carrying?” (meaning were they carrying their guns) and they said “Yes” and I said “I am hereby Deputizing you to assist me in this operation, for the duration of this you are now Deputy Sheriff’s” and they said “Let’s go!” and we did and we apprehended those 4 POS and I cuffed them all and I am happy to report they got substantial jail time.
Bottom Line: You can fuck with the police but do NOT even THINK about fucking with The Sheriff’s Department or we will IMMEDIATELY haul your ass off the streets.
Actually in another State ONE member of a Sheriff’s Department posted an Anti-Trump comment and guess what? The REST of that Sheriff’s Department FORCED that ONE member to RESIGN and now the Anti-Trumper has NO JOB.
The majority of Sheriff’s stick together, regardless of State, we are like one big family and that ONE Anti-Trumper is literally getting Blacklisted, they will get NO job with another Sheriff’s Department in ANY State.
Also various Sheriff’s Department’s literally kicked the Commie-Rent-A-Mob out of various towns when they turned up to attempt to start shit.
We answer ONLY to our local Community, we answer to NOBODY else, except God Almighty of course.
The rule of law requires you sport the illegals that have over run the country. Going to demand they get right on that?
The rule of law would dictate very allegation of fraud be investigated yet it hasn’t ben done. Going to get right after that?
Obama over reach and bypassed immigration law, with DACA, going to and that over reach and prosecute the Bama?
Like every good little minion leftist you have no idea what the rule of law encompasses.
What rule of law is that? The type that the Commie Mob was doing in Portland and Seattle? Burning the place down, setting fire to police buildings with police in them and trying to burn policemen and policewomen alive? Beating up old men and women? You mean THAT type of “law”
You are a moron but you are among the other morons that make up you fascist party and your fascist god trumputin the con man murderer…
And yes YOU WILL OBEY THE LAW or end up in jail that.s a fact…so just go ahead and you’ll end up in the same place that bunch of terrorists you sent to Washington…tell your buddies IN JAIL they better get some chastity belts for their asses…hahaha what ia sight to see…ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU’VE BEEN BEING FUKED BY TRUMPUTIN this will be something special for you guys
I put my life on the line every fucking day to serve my Community, what do you? Fuck all but post absolute garbage on an Internet Forum, hopefully you will be permanently banned soon, I know many here would support that.
You contribute zero to this forum and since you appeared have only been here to deliberately disrupt and cause trouble.
You are probably sitting in some filthy basement in your piss stained underwear, posting with one hand while the other hand is down your shorts.
GTFO. This is my last response to you, you are a total moron.
And you can bit my you will obey.
Biden issues a national mandate and h gets the middl finger just like you.
But then again I live in flyover country not a shit hole cesspool city like you.
Seems the racist is you and your party i.e. you will!!!
That’s the pool trashing once great cities like Portland, Seattle, San Fran the outhouse city, Denver etc.
Got to be proud of the aszzwipes trashing their cities.
As a side note, the entire episode n DC could have ben avoided if the democrats and republicans would have called for investigations into the fraud allegation yet thy both chose to pretend they didn’t happen and the ldic lackeys echoed the position daily as more allegations were made.
But the dems cheered the event.
you are no Christian and never have been one…you are a trumputin worshiper he’s your God…
hah the biggest crooked con man in history and you’re for him but not the Pope
I can’t tell how fuked and sick your logic is… any idea you should be in law enforcement is madness
you are a terrorist… Identify yourself lets see if whatever law enforcement you work for keeps you
Identify yourself lets see if the law enforcement doesn’t fire you
@Dr_Manhattan @Patriot considering the DaJackal POS is now demanding I identify myself so the Commie-Rent-A-Mob can attempt to come and beat me up and/or kill me, then don’t you think it might be getting time to give DaJackal a permanent dirt nap from this forum?
The below Screen Shot of DaJackal’s personal threat in case he deletes it:
You need to collect your thoughts you sound like some freaky bitch out of her mind…
You must be Lucy that nutty transsexual posting under many names…reach down
in you pants to see what you’ve got there…if you have a giant gaping sewer hole then
you’re her if you find a tiny little dik then you’re a trumputin fascist pig…you chose
God you don’t belong to any law enforcement you’re a idiot that’s full of shit…if you claim no one has control of what sheriffs do…you’re a idiot and make a living on the corners at 2 AM. You make me sick so just go along and beat it off…cuz that’s all you can do…another right wing crazy
Hey you said long ago you weren’t going to post to me any more…can anyone believe anything you say…you say your a cop when everyone knows you’re selling it on the corner in the wee hours of the morning… at least one would hope you’d wash up before coming here…not for you your stink is all over the place
DaJackass, you’re WAY BEYOND DEMENTED. Your trashyness towards Lucy is beyond civility. How many people do you talk that way to.You should gargle with hydrochloric acid.
Yes, I’m a PROUD Tump supporter. Of course there wasn’t voter fraud. Those illegal ballots in Georgia were shredded to provide confetti after Tojo Joe takes the oath. The courts took little time to consider the evidence and states Secretaries of State didn’t illegally change election rules as in Pa.
Tojo Joe is the ventrioquist dummy and incapable of any SANE thought of his own.
Inside of a year, people will be begging for Trumps return.
Your heroes Nutty Nancy and Sleazy Shumer should be tarred and feathered and run out of town.
I’m not ashamed of supporting President Trump.
He has been a better president in 4 yrs,.than Schmobama was in 8.
You can go Fk yoursekf and BITE ME!!!