Who will democrats blame when Trump wins again in 2020?

The senate has an obligation to take up these bills, particularly when they have been passed with BIPARTISAN support.

The lessons they learned from 2006 and 2008 weren’t the ones that would have helped. They still have a hard time accepting that invading Iraq was a catastrophe. Instead, they obsessed on how to get the soccer moms back.

Liberal Dems are not capable of thoughtful introspection. :roll_eyes:

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That’s the kind of us/them mentality that has us in political deadlock today.

The fact that I was responding to this:

makes me think that maybe your superior conservative intellect ain’t all that superior after all.

There’s intelligent liberals and not so intelligent liberals. There’s smart conservatives and, obviously, not so smart conservatives. Failing to recognize this and conflating one attribute (level of intelligence) with another (political POV) solidifies your position in the not so smart camp no matter your political leanings.

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back at ya, I guess we can agree on this one! :roll_eyes:

When I refer to liberals I’m referring to the American made arrogant bunch of Democrat progressive leftists who barely disguise their socialism and are not capable of introspection of any kind because they are control freak authoritarians.


Yes. Like renaming buildings, highways and bridges…
Honoring fellow liberals…

Such is the way of the left…pass a bunch of meaningless bills and claim you’ve been productive.

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There is ZERO obligation to take up a bill.


This kind of says it all:

America has now become that dreaded divided republic. The existential menace is as foretold, and it is breaking the system of government the Founders put in place with the Constitution.

Though America’s two-party system goes back centuries, the threat today is new and different because the two parties are now truly distinct, a development that I date to the 2010 midterms. Until then, the two parties contained enough overlapping multitudes within them that the sort of bargaining and coalition-building natural to multiparty democracy could work inside the two-party system. No more. America now has just two parties, and that’s it.

The theory that guided Washington and Adams was simple, and widespread at the time. If a consistent partisan majority ever united to take control of the government, it would use its power to oppress the minority. The fragile consent of the governed would break down, and violence and authoritarianism would follow. This was how previous republics had fallen into civil wars, and the Framers were intent on learning from history, not repeating its mistakes.

Yes, it has.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
― Benjamin Franklin, Memoirs of the life & writings of Benjamin Franklin

People have had it so damn good they cannot grasp what a lack of freedom IS or means. They just assume, “freedom AND the bells and whistles”.

It doesn’t work that way. Yet, they don’t believe that.

We are fighting the “I can have my cake and eat it, too” mindset.

Talk to dingy dirty Democrat Harry Reid, he set the “gather dust” precedent of letting bipartisan bills coming from the HOR gather dust in the Senate. As the previous Administration gleefully said so many times “elections have consequences”. :woman_shrugging:

Most of them should go live in a foreign country for a few years in order to gain a good understanding how good Americans have it! One example is the privilege to own and drive a car. In most countries such as Singapore, HK, or China for that matter, the cost of licensing, registrations and insurance would make it prohibitive for the average ordinary working American, not to mention the cost of owning a house.

The ones who do complain are nothing more than self centered entitled brats who make excuses of not being able to solve their own problems but choose to look for a reason such as the wealthy and the GOP as being the cause for their failures. Some cry in front of their hurdles while others overcome them, and the ones who succeed are accused of getting an advantage and made to feel guilty for their success! This is not the American way, it’s the communist way which most of these knuckleheads blindly and openly support without knowing the history of Mao, Lenin, and Karl Marx. Ignorance is bliss to children!

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Yes he did. And it was wrong, wasn’t it???


That is propagated by the want free, vote for me leftist party.

Just look at the platforms of the left. Everyone embrace trillions in new dent as if we haven’t enough already.

But the day is coming when the bill comes due.

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We’ve got a lot of new debt since Trump entered office. Where’s the outrage for that?

Where was the outrage when Obama created 9 trillion in debt? Under Trump over 2 trillion in new debt is not a staggering amount when considering the amount that was spent during Obama’s first term. So why the partisanship?

Personally I was outraged over Bush doubling the national debt from 5 to 10 trillion, after he promised to pay it down. I was outraged again when Obama doubled it from 10 to 20 trillion.

And then there’s the boorish and bragadocious Trump, who campaigned on the un-sustainability of the national debt, harshly critical of Obama over it. He braggingly promised to pay off the national debt and more, arrogantly pledged balanced budgets because “its so easy”!!!

The reality is he’s added 3 trillion to the ND and signed THE LARGEST BUDGET DEFICITS IN AMERICAN HISTORY!!!

Great example of you telling lies again! 2 trillion not 3 trillion to the ND and where is your cited source to support your outlandish claim “The Largest Budget Deficit in American History?” We will wait…

No wonder no one here takes you seriously as you love to embellish the facts to suit your TDS narratives!

Ok, we’ll revisit this latter…

In the meantime we will wait for your cited source to support your erroneous claim that backs it up as being truthful and accurate.

Nope. The GOP held eight, EIGHT investigations into Benghazi and came up with nothing.