Who is the real threat to the world?

Israel is the boss and rules the US.
People are completely mistaken about the relationship.

Odd that Democrats and Republicans would be cooperating in that and keeping it so contained that 99% of people don’t believe it. Especially in an age when the two sides are at each other’s throats, damn near literally.

It’s called the Hegelian dialectic.
In the end, they both work toward the common goal of concentration of more power.

Are you aware of the Alchemist 5 Coins mystery of Azuria?

Yep, and ever since they cast off that scourge, the US has been in a sulk and demonized Iran. It’s pretty sick.


But actually, big tech may present the biggest threat. As the president of Microsoft declared, the government needs to ramp up regulations on big tech because it’s a threat to democracy. Of course, that’s not going to happen in the present political atmosphere.

Yeah, lets hear it for the clerics and all the skeletons in their even bigger closet!

Another group are the teleevangilists.Do they look like they buy their clothes off the rack??? It must be great to be tax exempt and ask people to send money for them to do " Gods work" with the glitzy TV church productions.

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Do you mean the corporations or technology out of control?
Certainly AI is outsmarting humans.

Will AI have the same emotions as humans, including anger, greed and will to conquer? Who knows?

You mean he? I was quoting the president of Microsoft.

Microsoft certainly has made modern life convenient, but it comes with a price.
Are we prepared to give up humanness at the expense of convenience?
Some may vote for that.
And that’s a real threat.

It’s the name of the game?! And very profitable it is too. Bit like charities?

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You should see what he actually had to say about this.

No it didn’t, it never even got close to the atmosphere.

Anything passing within about 120m mi is considered to be an NEO.

In other words it wasn’t a story then? I rest my case.

Obviously it was newsworthy, just not panic worthy.

So how would you classofy this . . .


. . . newsworthy, panic worthy, or a load of abject nonsense. You seem quite an intelligent man, but how you can believe this drivel is totally beyond my comprehension. I mean, is there nothing NASA can announce that you won’t question?


We’ve already had an in depth discussion on the subject. It was definitely newsworthy since it was the first known true interstellar object to pass that close to earth.

Every telescope on the planet capable of seeing it also tracked it and confirmed the telemetry.

Not exactly controversial to anyone with even a layman’s understanding of astronomy.

Nope, I give up. Actually In find your gullibility/naivety quite depressing if you an adult.

Accepting easily proven facts is not gullibility, it’s sanity.