White people are the problem with the United States

I chose the political science category because it really can only fit here.

The majority in the Unites States are white. A big chunk of them are self hating leftist bleeding heart liberal women. Those women keep their male counterparts balls in their pockets.

So liberal white women are the issue causing this nation to fall. The male of the liberal side of America lack balls and brains.

So in political science how can we really explain this?

You are hitting on two very critical points…but you should start to ask yourself who is behind all of this and why. Once you do that you will find an even larger problem that exists on both the mainstream left and the right in the US. Two heads of the same coin that are notoriously anti-white.

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Little too late to worry about it now. Our demographic replacement is almost complete.

This is why women should have never been permitted to vote.

Permitted to vote or permitted to rule?

Are the two mutually exclusive?


100% white at America’s inception was not possible to maintain due to immigration and as such with many other factors was inevitable that those statistics would come to fruition to bare out in reality today. The decline of “Whites” in general is largely a self inflicted wound. The importation of blacks through slavery, the civil war, the countless wars across the European continent at the hands of Germans is the source of Whites declining numbers in today’s demographics. In other words imagine what the world today would look like if those young men who died in such wars were to survive and live long enough to have off-spring. I am certain this conversation and conversations like it wouldn’t exist.

Nope, can’t be true, blame can only be on one side…:roll_eyes:

Actually… I have researched one aspect and it is more than coincidence. Our government, overtly mind you - no conspiracy - has been poisoning the male population, feminizing them.

City water (fluoride) kills testosterone.
An over use of soy kills testosterone.
ADHD and many other drugs given to children and pregnant women kill testosterone.
Many hormone laced meats kill testosterone.
GMO foods kill testosterone.
Cow milk from these hormone laced milk cows kill testosterone.
Our modern culture itself lowers testosterone production.

Now add to that the mental beat-down males are getting for being male, the encouraging and attention benefits derived from being the victim in the counter culture…

The weak liberal male has been created allowing the females of the sub species to dominate them.

All of this can be backed up.

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Yup, pretend to be a BUTT banger if you want a loan.

City water (fluoride) kills testosterone.
An over use of soy kills testosterone.
ADHD and many other drugs given to children and pregnant women kill testosterone.
Many hormone laced meats kill testosterone.
GMO foods kill testosterone.
Cow milk from these hormone laced milk cows kill testosterone.
Our modern culture itself lowers testosterone production.
All of this can be backed up.

If you have links to some (or all) of these assertions, I’d be grateful if you could post them. I have read about the declining male sperm count, which is pretty well known . (Study: Men's Sperm Counts Continue to Decline - The Atlantic).
There seems to be less information about the decline in testosterone levels, but it’s there: (The Mystery of Declining Testosterone | HuffPost Contributor )
(Declining testosterone levels in men not part of normal aging | ScienceDaily)

I wonder if this has any link to the growth in the popularity of socialism among the young?

We white people are the problem because we are always blamed for someone’s problems. We bend forward and take it up the ASS because we are racists if we challenge anything. This is the price of socalled " White Privilege " !!!


We are the one group that never plays the race card and we need to start. We also need to stop caring so much when leftists call us racists. No matter what we do that’s what they are going to say. Let’s get over it.

Leftists and feminists are ruining not just the US but the entire developed world.

The problem with “aggrieved groups” or “grievance groups” is that when you give them “equality under law” you find out it wasn’t equality they seek but revenge.

We’re now paying the price.

Turn the young into needy helpless wussy little shits, who cannot fend for themselves; and create an attitude of entitlement. I broke my back earning everything I own; and I was far from alone.


I am pushing 50! I do not need to have my maleness destroyed. My boys either!

If white’s are the "problem " explain this ….


  1. St. Louis, Missouri
    The population of St. Louis is 46 % BLACK

  2. Baltimore, Maryland
    The population of Baltimore is 63 % BLACK

3 Detroit, Michigan
The population of Detroit is 83 % BLACK

4 New Orleans, Louisiana
The population of New Orleans is 59 % BLACK

5 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
The population of Baton Rouge is 54.8 % BLACK

It doesn’t change much if you list the top 25.

Narrow it to zip codes and it gets even clearer.

The inner cities are 3rd world hell holes in the middle of first world cities and states.

Nearly all of them will also display decades of rot and decay under democratic mayors and city councils.

Who was running the country as it devolved to this?

Yes white people are the problem, no matter if 100 percent of the crimes were committed by other races. Why? Because the liberal women took the balls away from their men and did not act to help stop this crap.

Lawless moron dummycrats !!!