What Will Be Trump's Next Move Post Capital Insurrection? (Multiple choice, pick any you want)

This is the dumbest shit I’ve seen in a long time

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I am sorry, what country did you say you were from again?

I’m from Norway, but I can’t see why that has any importance

Well for starters I asked you that question in another thread remember? Now you are here trying to advocate that we should accept socialism as a solution for our country while ignoring extraneous details as to why it wouldn’t work. Your country is going into debt surpassing its GDP output to pay for entitlements and I fail to see how that is going to be sustainable in the long run. Your advocacy of such seems rather silly and now you think you have a moral imperative to invalidate ones own thread or opinions. Your world view is through rose coloured glasses and not rooted in harsh facts. People like you always want to throw stones while living in glass houses.

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I must say you’re doing some serious brain gymnastics to reach the conclusion that Norway is going into dept as the US dept is at 98% of its gdp. It surly seems like you’re not the one who should talk about dept here sir

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Do you want me to pull up some facts for you to prove what I am saying is correct? You will look pretty silly if I do. Furthermore I seriously doubt you even know the facts because it’s easy for people like you sitting in your little comply arm chair who has a job working from home in your corner of the world telling how the rest of the world should live.

BTW I am not denying anything about our Debt but nice deflection on your part to make what I was talking about our countries debt to avoid defending your position in order to conflate two separate issues. You were the one touting the virtues of social capitalism and how great your cuntry is to everyone here now you want to pivot which I find pretty funny. You sound like a typical European Liberal cuck! Tell everyone how much more you know than everybody else here. Imagine that! SKOAL!

It’s fascinating how smart you’re trying to sound about politics when you rarely ever talk about it.
You only throw out assumptions about me, and never ever touch a political fact. So why don’t you go ahead and enlighten me about my country’s problems that apparently are worse than America’s

Norway lol do t you guys wear dresses?

You’re childish and have an IQ equivalent to room temperature… in Celsius

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Continuing the discussion from What Will Be Trump's Next Move Post Capital Insurrection? (Multiple choice, pick any you want):

I must say you’re doing some serious brain gymnastics to reach the conclusion that Norway is going into dept as the US dept is at 98% of its gdp. It surly seems like you’re not the one who should talk about dept here sir

Touche. (-------------------------------------------------------------------)

Inciting riot.

Interesting newbie and obviously a leftist troll.

And why are you here posting inflammatory content?

I vote to ban you from this site


Where are you really from?

Can you adopt me please? I need to leave the USA. Just kidding, not really.

Socialism has been here the massive debt is made up by giving TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS $$$ TO THE RICH AND THE CORPORATIONS…that’s a fact… so what’s your argument you don’t want the corporations to get TRILLIONS $$$ huh…you want the people to get a fair share of those TRILLIONS$$$huh

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Workers aren’t owners. Unless they can unionize or negociate fair wages they aren’t entitled to any more than the pay they agreed to. That isn’t to say tax law can’t be changed to require businesses to pay more-it should. But this idea that employees are entitled to more than they agreed to in their employment contract isn’t legal.

The people of our country are tired of subsidizing corporations for under paying their employees… we have to pass laws through welfare and all kinds other things because corporations refuse to pay a decent wage…and people must be able to live and feed their children…We need a miminum wage that keeps people off the welfare system…Awarding management and ceo’s astronomical sums of money and benefits and paying starving wages too the people that actually make the products can no longer be the standard…it all must change…and minimum wage is not illegal if corporations refuse to pay a wage that keeps people off welfare then corporations will be made to pay for a system that puts this all in place through taxes that will directly be paid to workers

I do agree with this. There should be a tax penalty for the amount of employee welfare used (food stamps, etc) that eliminates the incentive to underpay people by hiring part time employees and offshore labor.

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