What the HELL is wrong with people?

I’ve been here much longer than you and I’ll be here long after you’ve gone…

Your question I’ve answered in various ways now. You cannot prove a point by attributing the actions of the few to the whole…

Me: “I’m talking about people who are anti-white.”


There’s a lot of information in & distractions in your post there so let me try to unpack it.

Me: “I’m talking about people who are anti-white.”
You: “Which is the vast majority of African Americans.”
So to clarify, you’re saying the vast majority of African Americans are anti-white?

Me: “I’m talking about people who are anti-white.”
You: “Which is the vast majority of African Americans. But when one is consumed by hatred, bigotry and racism, it’s impossible to be objective…”
Just to confirm, you’re saying the vast majority of African Americans are consumed by hatred, bigotry and racism and that it’s impossible for them to be objective?

You: “Your attitude toward people of color is saturated with hate…and that’s unlikely to change.”

My reply: I’m sorry but all I’ve done is ask a question-
“Why is it so hard for ‘Black Lives Matter’ protestors to realise anti-white racism exists & that it’s not ok?”
That question made no mention of african americans or displayed any attitude or hate. The only person here who has displayed an attitude is yourself, but I’ll try to ignore it for the sake of getting a clear answer, so I’ll repeat it in the hopes of an answer:

Why is it so hard for BLM people to realise anti-white racism exists & that it’s not ok?


“People of color”… hilarious. They’re AMERICANS. American is enough. Do you not get that the very line you draw to divide is part of the problem? No one gives a shit that they’re black but because we’ve divided the country into groups, they get singled out because the black community has a rate of crime many times higher than other communities. Here’s the real shame in all of that:

0.01% of black people were arrested for murder last year.
0.002% of white people were arrested for murder last year.

That means black people were 5 X more likely to be arrested for murder according to the data. What’s sad is this gets people to start looking at the black community in general, saying “Holy cow, they’re 5X more likely to commit a murder” without going "Holy cow, 99.99% of the black community wasn’t arrested for a murder last year. 99.998% of whites weren’t arrested for murder.

Racial divisions are deliberate to divide this country up and get us fighting. ~6,500 black Americans being killed by other black Americans needs to be addressed and more than anything, it has to do with single family households where young males get no discipline so they turn to gangs. The same is happening with white households, though it’s still a much lower rate at this point. Instead of arguing based on race, we should be recognizing that most of the crime comes from kids raised by single parents and do something as a society to FIX that rather than subsidize it with welfare programs.

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I disagree with you that African Americans behave as though white racism is ok. No matter how many times you set up your straw man, it will be burnt down.

Lol, now you want to pretend like there’s no such thing as African Americans to disguise your bigotry towards them…:roll_eyes:

Black people that bitch about someone that says ALL lives matter should STFU. There is no less value assigned to people based on skin color in my world. . . and that includes pushing back against ignorant groups like BLM that are doing the black community no favors. Like Sharpton and Jackson, they’re using it to fleece people of money because “they care”. Bullshit they care. If they cared, they would address single parent households.

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That’s because you hate black people and it’s written all over your posts…

Now who is talking about African Americans as a monolith? Surely you can accept there are some african americans who are racist and some not racist? You’ve also generalised BLM protestors as “African Americans”. Many “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) protestors are not african americans. There are white protestors, asian protestors, and also protests in many countries around the world, including UK and Germany. You accuse people of generalising, but can’t seem to see your own words.

But you still haven’t answered the original question. So I’ll repeat it.

“WHY is it so hard for BLM people to realise anti-white racism exists & that it’s not ok?”

You also didn’t answer the second question, so I’ll repeat it.

“you’re saying the vast majority of African Americans are consumed by hatred, bigotry and racism and that it’s impossible for them to be objective?”

A factual and clear answer would be appreciated.

African American is an ignorant ass term created by racists to keep the divide alive. You need to listen to guys like Thomas Sowell. You’re consumed with hate for some reason and like a lot of idiots that support BLM, you see racists where they don’t exist. Christ man, I have black nieces and nephews, brother in law, foster daughter… It’s an asshole move to try to associate me as a racist because I want the racial divide to END. I’m sick and tired of the hyphens and “people of color” bullshit pushed by the left. Why? Because that language is designed to shove you in a box and keep you in your place. They come out and fawn all over black people as if they really are enlightened and then when you get them alone, they start the racist crap… for instance: Robert Byrd was worshiped by the left for his stance on racism… yet a few years before his death, he was on national TV dropping the N bomb. Yeah, he was a former racist alright. Joe Biden, the guy that the left has hitched their wagon to, said this about Obama “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy” REALLY Joe?

You’re looking at the wrong party when you accuse people of racism. The left is dividing and conquering. What kind of shit holes have they created in black communities? Why is Planned Parenthood targeted at black communities? Margret Sanger would be proud.

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Yeah, I hate my nieces, nephews, brother in law, friends, co-workers and foster daughter.

Do you understand how STUPID you sound? Each time you have said white people need to STFU, I’ve responded to show how ignorant your statement is.

Here’s the deal skippy. You can’t scare me with the “you’re a racist” tactic because I see it for what it is. A feeble attempt to get a white guy to shut up. It’s worked for a long time but the game is over because a large percentage of us now have mixed families. Take your accusations of racism and shove them up your ignorant ass. Calling someone a racist because you’re getting your ass kicked in a debate is despicable.


Your words are wasted on montecresto1, he doesn’t seem capable of reading or responding to anything you say.

He did inspire a new cartoon:


We are hearing about people wanting to “dismantle the entire Minnesota police force, and replace it”

What they AREN’T saying is they want to replace it with ANTIFA (Obama’s Army)

Needless to say, the Minneapolis police and politicians need some house cleaning.





You may repeat yourself until you’re blue in the face, you can make your text more and more bold, larger and larger. But the fact will remain that African Americans as a whole are not racist…no matter what anecdotal’s you may find to point out…

You’re a racist, and your attitude towards African Americans is repugnant. It’s not intended to scare you. The hatred and bigotry of racists knows no shame.

Lol, keep your racist placard high above your head for all to see…

You may avoid the questions posed to you until you’re blue in the face, you can change the subject over and over. But the fact will remain that white americans as a whole are not racist…no matter what anecdotal’s [sic] you may find to point out…

One could point out that even just one racist person is too much but you seem to disagree- so now who’s the racist supporter?

I answered the question repeatedly.
You came to this forum to promote your racist hate, and as I told you from the beginning yesterday. You’ve found a good home for that…

Are you listening to yourself? No one here has said anything hateful, except yourself.

I can feel you’re hurt for some reason, but please take a step back and analyse the true source of your pain instead of lashing out people who aren’t your enemy. I don’t know if you’re white, black, or if you have someone close to you who has endured racism but you’re starting to help me realise what a lot of these violent protestors are doing. They or their close ones are so hurt after hundreds of years of inequality that they’ve lost the ability to see who is and isn’t their enemy, and instead lash out at people who are on their side. I don’t see anything rational in your posts so I’m not sure what the rest of us can do except show you our love & support and I hope you feel better at some point.

I & everyone here means absolutely no offence when we say we want all races to be treated equally. We recognise there are hundreds of years of racism against black including the slave trade, and that it was awful and there’s no place for inequality today. But we also recognise that anti-asian, anti-white, anti-semetic, and many other prejudices exist. Some of them may not have endured in the same numbers as others, but that doesn’t take away from our recognition of black peoples’ pain. Each individual who suffers racism feels pain. No racism is ok. That includes black lives.

That is what everyone here is saying. I don’t think deep down if you’re honest with yourself that you truly believe what I just said was racist hate.

You don’t speak for everyone here​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You just showed up yesterday, you haven’t even engage a fraction of everyone here. But as I told you, you’ve found a good place to present your hatred of black people. There’s quite a few here that will support you…