What the HELL is wrong with people?

Based on logic alone, you have no foundation for that first claim. That’s the main problem I have with presumptive pricks who assume things that aren’t actually evident.

BillyJoeJimBobbiddyboo merely reported an anecdotal story of racism visited on a white person by a group of black people and you call him racist.

It appears to me that you simply cannot accept the notion that black people can be accused of racism.

Jesse Jackson is racist.
Al Sharpton is racist.
Malcolm X is racist.
Barack Obama is racist.
Michael Obama is racist.


If you wanna learn something about slavery, read Slavery, Terrorism and Islam by Peter Hammond.

Slavery has existed for thousands of years and was commonly practiced when this nation was founded…yet today’s American reparations proponents act as if our founding fathers invented it.

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I lived six years in New York (Manhattan and Brooklyn) as well as a few more years outside Detroit.

I managed to avoid getting mugged because I avoided the blacks. Was I being racist? Maybe. But this self-defense strategy saved me.

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Argentina comes to mind. Look what the Nazis did to Germany.

I believe your confusing Churchill with Chamberlain.

Regardless of the demand, there gotta be a supplier.

So destroy a community ,cause billions in damage ,blame every white person alive and dead , kill those in law enforcement , beat whites because they are white . All because you are frustrated ? Well I never owned a slave neither have my parents or grandparents EVER ! I’m frustrated with how loosely they claim racism for everything they do wrong in life . I’m frustrated with their inability to take responsible for their OWN actions . I’m frustrated with Affirmative Action , Quotas , and minority first at everything . I’m frustrated with pros making tens of millions and crying about how whites are privileged . I’m frustrated with colleges accepting blacks simply because they are black . I’m frustrated with minorities thinking every white person has in made and didn’t earn what little they have . So fuck YOU and ALL those ignorant black thugs !!!



The part that pisses me off the most on all of this is I have nieces and nephews that are half black. I have a foster daughter that’s black. I’m worried that this garbage is actually driving racism backwards and it’ll impact those that I love.

I’m outspoken on this because I’m sick and tired of assholes calling me racist because I’m white. That’s the fastest way to incite more racism as eventually, innocent people get tired of being accused of misbehaving due to something that happened in the 1800’s. Last I checked, I’m not responsible for the actions of my forefathers and this “white privilege” bullshit is just another lie conceived to convince people they’re racist even though they really aren’t. I think all of us will fight real racism when we see it and any laws on the books that are racist in nature need to be removed (I’m not aware of any at this point and every time I ask, no one can point at one). Racism has pretty much died out and to keep it alive, they have to resort to crap like “systematic racism” and “unconscious bias” to convince people there’s still racism. If the real problem is gone, they MUST create a boogeyman to keep people agreeing to their policies which have ZERO to do with racial relations and ALL to do with funding and assholes like Sharpton relevant.

Think about something. If we followed the narrative that we’re racist because more blacks are in prison, we would also have to say we’re sexist because more MEN are in prison. You know, female privilege. . . No, we’re not sexist, more men are in prison because men are more violent and aggressive and commit more crimes. The same is true for other categories that the morons in DC insist on dividing us up into.


But they don’t have to be racist (anti-white) in order for their lives to matter. As I said, I know several people who suffered anti-white racism, some of whom are lucky to be alive today because of it. They are the most softly-spoken polite & calm people, with absolutely no bad will toward black people, yet they’ve been attacked, persecuted & abused simply because they’re white. Almost all have been bullied out of the areas they were living, and have been forced to move to predominantly “white” areas.

Yet still we all hear people parroting the phrase “anti white racism doesn’t exist”. It’s a great challenge to prove to disbelievers that it does it exist. When you eventually persuade them, you’re faced with the second challenge of persuading them it’s wrong. They parrot “but it exists because of the 400 years of abuse against black people, so it’s ok”. You can’t say one form of racism is ok while another isn’t. Everyone should be equal. WHY is it so hard for BLM people to realise this?


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You’re proving your bigotry just by talking about African Americans as a monolith.

Not all African Americans are racist. Just like not all white Americans are racist…

Again, in your hatred of African Americans and your bigotry, you treat African Americans as a monolith. I don’t hold you responsible for all the crime committed across America every day by white trash…but maybe I should…:thinking:

I’m not talking about african americans as a monolith, I’m talking about people who are anti-white. They don’t have to be anti-white for their lives to matter. I’m glad you realise not all white americans are racist. Do you realise it’s ironic to assume someone is talking about “african americans as a monolith”, or that they have a “hatred of African Americans and your bigotry” since these assumptions of yours are generalisations just like racism?

You still avoided the question though, so I’ll ask it again and let’s see if you actually answer or run away or avoid it. We all hear people parroting the phrase “anti white racism doesn’t exist”. Most social networks & forums erase any post that describes an experience of anti-white racism, so it’s no wonder there is this lack of knowledge out there. It’s a challenge to prove to disbelievers that it does it exist when posts are all deleted & people don’t listen. If you manage to persuade one person, you’re faced with the challenge of persuading them anti-white racism is wrong. They argue “but anti-white racism exists because of the 400 years of abuse against black people, so it’s ok”. You can’t say one form of racism is ok while another isn’t. Everyone should be equal. WHY is it so hard for BLM people to realise anti-white racism exists & that it’s not ok?


Well of course, and I’ve already addressed that. Nobody creates a supply of anything that there is no demand for. Despite the fact that 75% of Americans profess their Christian faith, they want thHollywood smut and violence, they want drugs and pornography. The former is nothing but a facade.

You still haven’t addressed my question. Here it is again: WHY is it so hard for BLM people to realise anti-white racism exists & that it’s not ok?

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montecresto1, are you still there?

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that you haven’t answered. Whenever I ask questions that require serious thought, people flee.

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I was simply responding to your pathetic statement that whites enslaved blacks so they should STFU… YOU started that bullshit, not me.

Point blank, if BLM wants to be taken seriously, take steps to stop black on black violence. There are thousands of black victims that need justice and these morons focus on 1 or 2 year that are killed unjustly by police and it seems like every time they hitch their cart to one, he has a record a mile long and is a violent piece of shit, just like the latest one.

NO WHERE did I hold all black Americans responsible for the actions of the thugs. Quite the opposite actually. I’d like thugs (of all races) to stop victimizing people (of all races) because THAT is an actual problem unlike the garbage BLM pretends to fight.


Which is the vast majority of African Americans. But when one is consumed by hatred, bigotry and racism, it’s impossible to be objective…

Your attitude toward people of color is saturated with hate…and that’s unlikely to change.

I can’t speak for everyone but Hollywood smut is something that never makes it into my house. I don’t do drugs and I don’t watch porn. I have many flaws but worshiping Hollyweird isn’t one of them.

White people who bitch about black people demanding to be treated as a 5/5ths person like white people are, need to STFU…

Well very good on you. You cannot wear a shoe that does not fit…:+1: