maybe so but to come and demand you fix her computer for her isn’t good. I once knew a guy whose parents paid rent for him during his gap year at college (a year off college to experience work)… he would do zero housework, if anyone gave him anything such as a treat from the shops, a tea or coffee, slice of birthday cake, or anything at all he’d take it up to his room without saying “thanks”, and would never ever, ever, evverrr do anything for anyone else.
I was curious to see how far he would go like this so I used to do random favours for him to see if he’d ever say “thanks”. I made a roast meal & shared it with him… he said “I’ll have it later.” and went up to his room. In the end I told him “I’m going out to buy you a surprise”… I went out and bought him the most expensive slice of chocolate cake I could find from a luxury cake shop, with all the packaging & bows… " (he must have wondered what on earth I was doing)… I came home & gave it to him, along with some gifts for my other housemates. They all said thanks, except him who said nothing, snatched it out of my hand in silence, then walked off. This may be a bad example but it’s my experience of new millennials in general. He had such a self-entitled attitude.
The only things he would talk about was how he wanted to steal money from our landlord or with hold rent because he thinks it’s not fair people should have to “pay rent for nothing”. Whenever anyone tried to explain bills or mortgage payments to him, he would just reply “well that’s not my responsibility.”. He just couldn’t understand why he has to pay rent to live somewhere, no matter how you explain it to him. He saw it as the rich taking advantage of the poor (ironic since he had more family money than our poor landlord!)
(He also kept damaging things in the house & refusing to pay for their repair.)
Landlord almost went bankrupt because of him, and I fear many new millennials are similar…
I think maybe you’re reading into what I’m getting at. She doesn’t “demand” anything, she came to me with her hat in her hand and a few hours later, got a bit more aggressive as kids tend to be impatient. I wouldn’t tolerate a “demand” as you put it. As to the rest, my daughter has responsibilities here that include cleaning and she’s had those since she came into my house at 8. (Her mom expected some minor things from here prior to that too, we were always on the same page) She’s no different than I was in that she didn’t understand the value of money and time at an early age but let’s not pretend they’re adults with a clear picture of how things work. She seriously has her head on her shoulders properly and while she’s a bit spoiled (by design), she certainly isn’t an entitled brat. I wouldn’t tolerate that for a minute. . . Here’s a fun one. She was probably 14 or 15 and went out with her friends, for a cross country celebration. I gave her $100 because that’s what I had and said to bring me the change. She got back later and handed me $30… I asked what exactly she spent $70 on and she said she paid for Madison and Kassidy because they don’t have as much money as we do… My response made my wife snicker… I said "Um, no honey, I have more money than their parents but you and they are equally broke. You don’t get to spend my money the way you see fit, you ask permission if you want to do something like that. You being charitable with MY money makes you a liberal, not a good person. . . then I made her create tasks to earn the money back. 
So one more indication that I did a good job with my daughter… I came home from a meeting and she walks up to me a few minutes ago and says “Um, I think I’m in trouble, can you help me for a second?” … ok, what’s up? “Well, I dumped the skimmers and was trying to clean out the vacuum on the pool and I can’t get the vacuum back together, I think I broke it.”… went out, fixed it and helped her put it back together and all is good.
She took the water down to Leslie’s pool supply and had it tested, they said the pH was high so it needed some muratic acid, she couldn’t find my acid so she bought more and dumped it in… she’s 20 and does stuff like this all the time. I’m damn proud of her. She also supports Trump, she’s Christian and she’s majorly pro-life. She’s one of the good ones in her generation. 
so true tho… and most kids seem to be “liberals” these days. Hope ur wife agrees with ur political views
that’s good… if that’s the case then it’s extremely rare… hope she does stuff like that to help rather than just because she needs to use the pool herself.
She’s a bit more Conservative than me but I’m learning.
Seriously though, we’re almost identical in views.
It’s not as rare as we probably think. I also have a girl that calls herself my foster daughter, she lived with us for a few years… she’s black and extremely Conservative and pretty damn helpful. My son is 26 and he’s similar. I have a few nieces that are worthless when it comes to helping though, 18 and 20 and not working, sticking their mom with ALL of the work… I’d kick their ass out.
Three guesses, first two don’t count… One is proud to be a “social justice warrior”… I slapped her all over the house (verbally) last Thanksgiving… several were just grinning from ear to ear enjoying it.