What the HELL is wrong with people?

I put his stupid ass on ignore a long time ago. I don’t tolerate people calling me racist because they’re uninformed.


Calling it a typical racist talking point is not an argument, it’s a claim, which means it means jack shit. I can just as well say that saying that “that’s a typical racist talking point” is a typical dumbass talking point, it still means jack shit. Things like that can be turned around either way as it’s an opinion not a fact. You simply don’t understand what you’re talking about or at least lack the ability of producing solid arguments to support your thesis which also is a sign of someone being in over their head. Add to that that you still seem to be able to delude yourself into thinking you’re still on top of this.

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I have to repeat myself since you always deflect and never answer my questions. It’s called being consistent and it’s key to winning an argument, unless you’re consistently dumb and stubborn by consistently refuse to give straight answers to straight questions. You have only put forward a bunch of ad hominem crap that would have gotten you hurt irl, and an individual case that supports your thesis though the majority of them don’t. And you still act like an obstinate child thinking that you’re somehow on top of this. That is delusion my dear. That means you need a therapist, and I’ve only taken two semsters of psychology I’m afraid.

Very sad. Poor Young woman has no idea. Her screaming is exactly the same words screamed by millions. The mental health system can do little good under these circumstances.

“Are you serious?”.

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girl: "Don’t you tell me to back up!"
police: remain calm
girl: "I f*** won’t f**** back up!!!"**
police: still remain calm
girl: pushes her way into the police while stamping her feet in a tantrum
police: calmly arrest her
girl: ScREamMInGggg
Onlookers to police: "ArEE YoUU sEEriOuS?"


it’s the "or F…g What!!? " that is the most pathetic.

This is what comes from no male authority figure in the home. My daughter and son have been 99% gold growing up but during the phase when they were acting out against authority, there was a clean line drawn. The threat of physical force was clear in their heads and neither were brave enough to test it, though my son came really close once and ultimately backed down because he saw what happened to his older brother for getting violent with me. They had no question I loved them and also had no question who was in charge. Kids like the one in the video have never had push back to their bullshit and it shows. If you love your kids, discipline them. It’ll prevent harder lessons later on in life.


Yes. And after divorce of their parents they unconsciously take on the task of getting in the middle of it and become split and resentful and their parental upbringing gets fragmented.

I think this kind of anger can also come from repressed guilt. I believe this kind of anger emerges in young woman in some cases if they had had abortions.

No, my questions (“test”) have been serious and sincere, but you have been unable to answer them. Your points are a bit of a joke however, and that’s why I’ve been shooting them down time after time and asked questions you can’t answer, which you probably know but then you go into denial and project this unwanted reality on me. You’re literally responding without having anything to say at this point.

Can you give examples of institutionalised racism?

The problem is that no matter how much you discipline some kids, modern society unravels it by teaching overly self-empowering platitudes (such as calling child-protection hotlines on parents who ground them). It’s hard to discipline kids who are taught to stand up for themselves against authority. It’s also hard to protect children from a society that teaches self-obsession. In the past, children wanted to grow up to be nurses, pilots or doctors etc. Nowadays they all want to be famous youtube celebrities and are taught to be obsessed with their own appearance by taking selfies & putting them on social media for attention.

Organized by the DNC and Soros without a doubt !!! You can find dumbass white morons everywhere and they know how to rail them in too !

Even before Hungarian George Soros came along, education in the US and many other countries was doomed and minds of then children poisoned (by cultural Marxism), just like Ezra Pound said.

This is called creativity in parenting. Very early on, my wife smacked my son on the rear and he said “I’ll call CPS”… she walked over, slammed a phone down in front of him and said “Do you want to dial it or do you want ME to dial it… enjoy foster care and your new homes.” Really though, my form of discipline was that the physical component was only the elephant in the room in case they got violent. Here’s a great example… My daughter loved horror movies when she was about 12. The rule was to self regulate and if I catch you watching movies that were rated R, there would be consequences. One day, I caught her watching one (I paid close attention to my internet log, I had a key logger on her computer and I watched the Netflix history)… all of the sudden the internet went dead for her. Everyone else could still use internet but her PC, cell phone and TV wouldn’t connect… she came and begged for help and I let her sit for a few hours deliberately, saying I was occupied. Then she got a bit more aggressive and said “Hey, it’s been down 2 hours, are you going to fix it?” I said "Well, I suspect you watching a rated R movie has probably triggered the filter and you won’t be able to connect again until tomorrow at 3… could that be the cause? My internet is working… she stormed out and pouted for about an hour. Then she came down and wanted to play a game because she was bored… Didn’t take a fight, didn’t take a threat of force, just took some creativity to let her know her actions had consequences.

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You haven’t answered any of my questions at all, you’ve just deflected, started talking about other things or simply not responded until I replied to you again, and now you’ve gone into some fail-safe state where you just say the same thing over and over again because your brain can’t handle being wrong thus no fitting reaction can be administered. This is all just ludicrous at this point, but the upside is that you prove my points continuously.

… she should be thanking you for providing her with her own private computer & internet, not insisting you fix it immediately like she’s paying for a hotel service! Oh my goodness… her reaction sounds ungrateful & a bit spoilt. When I was a kid internet didn’t exist let alone my OWN computer! & running to my parents to insist they “fix” a luxury of mine immediately… good lord. I never even asked my parents to pour me a glass of water let alone insist they fix a luxury for me. I received food & drink, and I was allowed to watch TV for 1 hour a day. I was made to learn piano & given a choice of another musical instrument to learn. I chose one. When I wasn’t at school, doing homework or watching tv, I was outside playing, inside learning music or experimenting with my own inventions & creations.

We sat around the table for dinner & had conversations. Occasionally if it was only me & my mother eating, we might sit in front of the TV, but that was a luxury. We weren’t allowed Satellite or Sky TV because it encouraged too much screen watching, only terrestrial channels allowed.

When we got a family PC it was a luxury to be shared. I used it to draw, paint, learn programming & play games. None of this ‘idle staring at the screen for hours on end’ you see kids doing today.

Your excuses are pretty poor as well. You’ve “dipped in” and replied to the other person’s comment and ignored mine when the content didn’t suit you, then when I’ve commented again you’ve “dipped in” again and replied. The only person you’re fooling is yourself, if even that. I don’t claim to be a perfect man but your behavior here is shameful.

I remember an idiot psychologist some years back promoting the idea that parents should let their children scream and have temper tantrums. I think it was Benjamin Spock.

Likely, this produced a majority of the crybaby, snowflakes, screaming liberals we have today…going berserk when they don’t get their way.

Parents that let their toddler and adolescent children control them are doing their children a disservice.

The best tool a parent can use is love…tough love.

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Times have changed my friend. I will say this though, she’s a 4.0 student in criminal justice, going into her third year in college. She works nearly full time while going to school and she’s turned into one of the sweetest people you would ever meet. I sometimes gave to excess but part of my philosophy was that good behavior was rewarded. She wanted a phone, she earned it. I got her a PC for school and she was allowed to use that for entertainment. She’s never had a ticket so far, she’s never been arrested, she has worked since she was 16, etc. I pay for her college (our agreement was if she had at least a 3.0, I’d pay, anything below it’s on her) but she pays for her car insurance, he gas, entertainment, food, etc. Is she spoiled? Of course but she’s also a very responsible young lady that is highly engaged in her church and goes out of her way to help other people.

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Yeah, my grandson started that crap one day. Funny how three solid swats across the rear stop a temper tantrum. Anyone that lets a child have a screaming fit is an idiot.

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The sooner they learn that good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior brings punishment, the less likely they will have a long criminal record.

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