What Stresses Millennials?

Sorry, “blaming their problems on” thinking faster than I am typing.

Fixed it!

So you can’t back up what you’re saying with facts. Got it. Better not get into an argument with @Dr_Manhattan

And your entire argument is that boomers have done nothing wrong and millennials have done everything wrong.

You can’t even acknowledge that millennials are actually carrying their weight in the workforce. Now whether they are being compensated at the same levels that boomers were at their age is a problem, but we can’t even have that discussion if you won’t even acknowledge the fact that millennials are in the workforce.

Yeah that is whats called not being honest about yourself! All the other bullshit you are going about only reinforces that perception of more whining!

I seriously am starting to think you have a reading comprehension problem and you just prove my point all the more with statements you make!

Have a good day!

What you just said makes absolutely no sense.

I love it when non-mathematicians present unrelated data as their statistical proof. lol


Of course you would say that, and it doesn’t make sense to you, no surprise there given what we have witnessed from your statements so far, you are just trying to practice your confirmation bias in all your retorts, again, and again and again!

Its been fun!

you want me to show you stats??
I can show you studies and articles that shows which industries millenials are working in
But I can also see with my own eyes when I visit a mall , shopping center or retail store

You won’t get what you are asking for… but I like the effort.

Anecdotal evidence isn’t evidence

No worries, @max-webster, I have also observed the same thing in my State, and everyone else here with an honest eye has seen the same where they are.

Your “anecdotal” evidence is now peer-reviewed, statistical data. :sunglasses:

They are working… minimum wage in McDonalds because their degrees are too useless. Not many in senior management. Also being told in schools how wonderful they were, in a non competitive environment, then got a big shock when they were told they weren’t all that in the real world. Hence the bitterness and blame culture.

oh I see, its anecdotal when it doesn’t fit your narrative… got it

Ive read articles from the New York post, Forbes, a few independent ones and they are all over the place when it comes to millenials

New york post from dec 2017, shows the top 10 industries they found millenials working in
I will only list the top 3
Financial Analyst
which one did AOC come from??? let me think

the voice for working america reprinted a report from USA today in 2012 showing millenials settling for Retail jobs

Yahoo finance shows the top five industries
retail was number 3

Entrepreneur magazine article broke down the millennials by region and it shows most of them in leisure and hospitality which kind of backs up the other articles

Shall we talk about the millenials that cant find a job??

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Millenials - the age of beta males, transexuals and crybabies.


Seems to me you should be celebrating that boomer are retiring…which allows millennial to advance.

But no…seems like you’re bitching about it instead.

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Gen X (my lot, I’m a Thatcher’s child) are already running the show. It will all go to shit when we retire.

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Half of all millennials summed up in one picture.


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“Abby … somebody.”

No I’m not bitching at all. I want the boomers to die off as quickly as possible. They are like a global swarm of locusts that has never gone dormant and has never stopped consuming. They are all that’s wrong with this world.

and you think the millenials are going to fix the problems?? LMFAO.

This generation of College and university students for the first time in history are dumber than their parents, and some of the parents came out of the hippy , acid tripping,free love, fuck everything in sight Karl Marx worshiping sheeples.

By the way the elder generation is why you are living well today, we have a small amount of entrepreneur millennials today and they have huge challenges but at least they have our support unlike the millennials today

Hope this hasnt triggered any millenials

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