No, We Haven’t
Nothing Is Even Close To The End Of Our Solar System
The End Of Our Solar System
Is Tens Of Thousands Of Years Away For The Speeds We Can Achieve
Our PLANETARY System Hasn’t Been Our SOLAR System
For Over 20yrs
Ask Pluto Why It’s Not A Planet Anymore
And It Took A Decade To Reach There
Then See Why Comets Traveling At Fantastic Speeds
Compared To Ours
Keep Coming Back In Their Orbit
Even Though Their Frequency May Be A Thousand Years
Every conspiracy theory about Operation High Jump has been utterly disproven in every way possible.
The so called eye witnesses either never existed or didn’t serve and the ships that were supposedly destroyed and damaged either didn’t exist at the time or were proven to be elsewhere remaining completely undamaged.
Will you stop trolling for crying out loud?
You have nothing to offer, as usual.
The Soviets knew of the war down under.
It’s the same video, but both the US and the Soviet Union (as well as Germany) knew of the importance of Antarctica because of the hidden civilization there.