Do you ever post in hostile forums where the vast majority are Libs, Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Islamists, Communists and Anarchists?
Totally irrelevant! Stupid question!
I’ve never been a fatalist; but could it be possible our country may have run it’s course? History has shown us time & again, great nations have come & gone. We are not immune to internal degradation. It’s not conflict with foreign powers that we need to be concerned with; but conflict within. A lot of degenerate shit coming down inside our country. Little rhyme or reason; just constant flows of chaos. Logic & common sense heading the way of the Dodo.
Many issues are inter related.
Consider closing the southern border.
Do you end assylum? Do you immediately return the millions claiming assylum to their home countries?
Do you deport illegals wholesale as well as their anchor baby children?
What’s the impact to employment?
Will wage stagnation and and wages climb?
How will social services be impacted?
Will we be better equipped to care for our pool that cannot ca for themselves? Our veterans?
How will the education system be impacted?
How will the deficit be impacted?
How will trade with the affected countries be affected?
How will the hosing market be impacted?
Will the 37% of Americans that are sitting n the side lines actually lead the couch and begin working?
Will the some of the millions claiming disability return to work as it comes more profitable?
The impact with making a change is far reaching so they do nothing.
Desperate situations often require desperate solutions. Often an equation that does not include the word “Fair”. But then, we rational thinkers know, Life Ain’t Fair.
Exactly - they just sit there and watch as the country gets overrun and destroyed because doing their job would require them to take actions that are necessary, but unpopular - and their salary depends on being popular. It is the fundamental flaw of our system.
Civil wars have surfaced over less stressful situations. Then when it comes down to blood in the streets, our elected officials will be drooling & staring off into space, and saying, how did this happen?
It has been suggested that both parties recognize the dire straights of SS and medicare and have chosen the illegal/assylum pool to work and contribute and fix the current mess.
Surprise the illegals and asylum seekers cost far more than the fiscal mess of SS.
In January 1964, Johnson declared “unconditional war on poverty in America.” Since then, the taxpayers have spent $22 trillion on Johnson’s war. Adjusted for inflation, that’s three times the cost of all military wars since the American Revolution.
Congressional Term limits
Voter ID’s
Restore Law & Order
School choice & get rid the DOE and Teachers unions.
Put a stop on all immigration for a period of time to allow all those in the country to assimilate, it’s been done before so it can be done again.
So much poverty; and yet, our 2nd & 3rd generation welfare parasites do have the money for booze, drugs, cigarettes, partying, a vehicle & money for gas; $300. sneakers, gold chains & gold dental grills. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. We all should be so feckin poor. Almost forgot; have you seen the size of some of the starving poverty stricken behemoths? What it appears they do not have money for, is BIRTH CONTROL.
I’d be agreeable to this for Voter ID: Accuracy of retinal scans
20,000 times more accurate
Retina scans are currently the most accurate method of biometric verification, being 20,000 times more accurate than a fingerprint scan.
Also, anyone caught voting or attempting to vote illegally, will be publicly crucified. Illegal voting is a deliberate threat to a country’s security, & to the well being & safety of legal citizens.
Time to learn from history.
When a city under siege is well protected by a wall, there are traitors (call them the fifth column, Trojan horse, etc) who will open the gate and the enemy will pour in. This happened to America already in the 19th century. The Monroe Doctrine was never practiced.
So easy to prevent it. (Ask for an ID and put the ID number on computer)
And yet not practiced.
I wonder why.
Teachers; well, I do keep tabs on what my grandchildren are taught. Feckin liberal teachers are the dregs of humanity. They are, more often than not, human stains. The grandkids actually believed the only slaves in the planet’s history were blacks on white owned American plantations; but then Pop Jim took the stage, resorted to, what’s that called now, Oh Yeah, TRUTH; and now once again, the World is Spinning in Greased Grooves. I told them to carefully share the TRUTH with classmates; but to watch what they say around the wrong ( living in the Twilight Zone ) teachers. I do not want their lives to become a veritable Hell; and I don’t want to end up cleaning some teachers clock. I’m too old for prison food.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My sentiments of teaching the history of slavery; Teach It All or Teach Nothing.
Youre a funny guy.
I can see why the idea of your posting in Leftist territory seems stupid to you.
Your lunch would be eaten and your milk money taken.
But, at least you are following Clint Eastwood’s (Dirty Harry) advice.
A man’s got to know his limitations.
If you are trying to find a way out of this, I will give it to you.
Let’s kiss and make up.
We can pretend it never happened that you dissed my post and then tried to weasel out of it by casting me as the bad guy.
Want to get a rheum?
The video, “The Agenda: Grinding America Down” is available to watch for a small fee om Amazon Prime and YouTube. And for free in a few different sites.
It puts ALL of this in the right context.
The Communists have been farming (my term) the USA, or more specifically, our unwary population, starting with the school kids.
The video won a the Grand Prize at a film festival and, unlike many film festivals which award Grand Prizes as honorifics and plaques or trophies, this one awarded the filmmaker, $100,000 cash!
It has the ability to change the tone and direction of every loyal American’s thinking.
That is where I found out about The Naked Communist book by W. Cleon Skousen and the 45 Communist Goals, the list was in the book and the goals were entered into the Congressional Record in 1963 as a warning.
Today, it is said that every goal except one, has been achieved.
And the crap we face today is the result of our failure to become aware of a stop the achievement of these Communist goals.
In the back of my mind, I think I want 1 thing we can can all support and focus on getting done now that building the wall has become almost a done deal.
What one thing could you see fixing America for the next 100 years?
I admit to having given this question some thought in the past.
What I came to believe is that America isn’t over until we are without hope.