What is your Favorite Biblical Verse?

I understand why the image or symbolism of the Lotus flower is so significant! Like the flower, the mind opens during daylight and closes in darkness. It grows in a dark murky water that is representative of all life’s conditions and it’s roots run long and deep perhaps reflective of life’s history throughout the ages?

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The Levite found his concubine back at her parents’ home. As the Levite was bringing the concubine back to his own home, he stopped for the night in Gibeah, a town of the Benjamites. An older man insisted, for safety, that the Levite and his concubine stay at his home instead of in the town square. That night, “some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, ‘Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him’” (Judges 19:22). The host tried to reason with them, but they would not listen. To spare himself, the Levite sent his concubine outside. The degenerate mob abused her all that night (verse 25). When the man opened the door in the morning, the mob had departed, and the concubine’s dead body lay “in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold” (verse 27).

The Levite picked up the concubine’s body and placed it on his donkey and traveled home. He then cut up her body into twelve pieces—one for each tribe of Israel—and sent the pieces throughout the land. The macabre packages provoked the intended response; everyone who learned of the crime began talking: “Such a thing has never been seen or done, not since the day the Israelites came up out of Egypt. Just imagine! We must do something! So speak up!” (Judges 19:30). THIS IS THE WORD OF GOD!

Specifically The great White Lotus Flower, represents the Law of Cause and Effect, because it was said the seed and flower appears at the same time, indicating Inga Guji, the “Simultaneity of Cause and Effect”. as different from, Linear Cause and Effect, Inga Iji.

Simultaneous Cause and Effect, refers to The moment of the strongest, Pure Faith and attainment of Buddhahood is instantaneous and beyond the appearance of time itself.

“In the twinkling of an eye.”

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Phallus Worship, was a very early cultural features that emerged from Shaivite Sects of India. One of the most ignored historical connections is the relationship between some religious ideas in ancient India and the probable origins of the tribes in the Middle East. the Yadavas of India who worshipped the Primordial God Brahma and his Wife, Sarasvati, in the ancient writings are probable original sources of Abraham and his wife Sarah.

Look at the writings of John Allegro…“Sacred Mushrooms and the Cross.”
Allegro was the savagely excoriated translator of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Yahweh was translated as “He who shoots his seed onto the Earth.”

The problem of not understanding the source and content of true visionary experiences and only going by literal texts is widespread.

Look at the hat the pope wears. Classic phallus symbol!



Babylonian fish god.

Why do you respond when you are clearly doing to out of spite, hate, ignorance?

In addition, the multitude of vestments worn by Catholic priest and ■■■■■■ rabies are also phallic symbols of circumcisions.

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Here are some pictures of the phallic hat worn by the pope.

Do you know what thread derailment is???

Either provide a quote or move on.

Some of them appear to be hallucinogenic mushrooms, as pointed out by Jordan Maxwell.
And definitely Dagon, the fish god.

Matthew 11
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

The word Yoga in Sanskrit means Yoke, like what you use to control an Ox. The mind is like the Ox.

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The yoke comes with an offer of rest and to learn. It is meant to relieve the weary of their burdens, not to add to them.

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Pet the vagina always worked for me. R. Crumb & his Cheap Suit Serenaders - My Girl’s Pussy …

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I like you to list more verses of the bible you find contradictory! The reason I ask is because I would like to learn more of what you see. Today I posed a question to a pastor that he couldn’t answer so I thought this would be be a good lesson and exercise for myself in understanding better other points of view, especially from non believers. I basically want to catalog these and present them to my elders to see how they reconcile these verses in question.

OMG! I do not mind at all helping out,but there are scores biblical contradictions. Can you tell me, is there any area you are very interested in?

I am sure there is, but for example do you find that most are in the Old Testament or New Testament? Also I am looking for a few that are not necessarily all sexual in nature but perhaps some that are more deeper and challenging on a philosophical level. For example what ones do you find are deal breakers for you personally?

The Bible states that while Moses was in Midian God told him to go back to Egypt (Exodus 4:19). He soon travels to Egypt with his wife and sons. Exodus states that during the journey “the Lord met Moses and tried to kill him.” It is then that Zipporah, his wife, did something seemingly odd.

And it came to pass by the way, in the inn, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him. And Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and threw it at his feet, and said, “Surely a bloody husband you are to me.” (Exodus 4:24 - 25, HBFV)

Why would god want to kill his faithful Prophet? Why does god murder?

Ok that is good one. How about going back to my previous post and answering my question about old and new testaments? Do you find contradictions with Jesus? Or is it mostly the Old Testament?