Do you know why trumps own FBI and DOJ as well as the Republican senate committee chaired by Republican Trumper Ron Johnson never found that to be true…
Well there is a perfectly logical explanation as to why these cases are not being heard. Go listen to Lin Woods podcast he explains it perfectly in legalistic terms as to what is going on. Only a handful of cases actually even made it on the docket in some states. There is a myriad of jurisdictional and process issues that applies to each state that makes such challenges time consuming. Arizona for example has already confirmed that fraud occurred and the most damning piece of evidence to date is the ODNI report which confirms fraud and foreign interference in US elections. None of these jokers here saw the evidence and only repeating what the MSM is telling them. So their much gaslighting in trying to dismiss valid claims only reveals the clown club they so gleefully cheer for. Take it with a grain of salt Truth has no agenda and eventually it reveals what we have known all along!
And there you have it the natural state of the voting public. Minions one and all.
I know! It’s a fickleness crowd that is content with false half narratives they buy into than to be willing to use critical thinking skills to get to the truth. Forming such objections based on Moral relativistic arguments exposes the character flaws in the logic they apply.
Easier for the minions to listen to their fav MSM program to tell them how to think about an issue than to research and discover the truth.