What is unity? Can it be achieved

Btw, unity does NOT mean that the winning team, after campaigning for their interests and ideology, abandon it and adopt principles, interests and ideologies that they don’t hold. Am I to believe that when the right holds power again that they will pursue liberal progressive interests in the name of unity. I think people have lost sight of what American unity is…

No… just be ready to get what you gave in the next 4 years.

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I agree. However, I don’t think common civility is even an option at the Congress level much less society. When one group decides to let criminals run rampant through the streets that is gone forever. Remember, almost everyone condemned the actions at the capitol while we (society) were forced to endure months of chaos and anarchy with little to no action. Some things can’t be undone, some things can’t be unseen. Let’s hope we can come together, but it will be many many years before it is possible.


How do you also reconcile a stolen election?
What are your thoughts on that? Or would you rather not say?


How do you explain the Melissa Carone testimony? You should watch the entire video if you haven’t seen it.

You undermine your own credibility by clinging to this false narrative

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That she witnessed irregularities? So we ignore because she speaks differently then you? Seriously? Class warfare has to stop

Whistleblower Melissa Carone is now on record with the court saying she told her supervisor about massive fraud in Detroit at the TCF Center on election night and was told, “We’re not here to run their election” by her boss! This case is part of one filed by the Great Lakes Justice Center.

Bottom line is she wasn’t;t the only person reporting irregularities. The democrats should have demanded that all allegations be cleared by non partisan sources so they could have said we won and there was no voter fraud. Today half the country believes there was voter fraud including Independents and democrats.

Biden will serve under the cloud of fraud thanks to the democrats who swept everything under the rug waiting out the clock.

They have simply run the allegations past state authorities and other officials who would have orchestrated the alleged fraud or had an interest in minimizing irregularities.

It was thus hardly surprising when the New York Times that it had called officials in every state and was told, as the headline said, that there was “No Evidence of Voter Fraud.” That’s the kind of statement that inspires skepticism because fraud is inevitable in any big election. The Times itself seemed to acknowledge just that in the article’s sub-headline, which said, without presenting evidence, that there were “no irregularities that affected the outcome.”

Not a surprise, deny, deny, deny and pretend it never happened. Democrats are believers in if you say it enough it must be true.

If it wasn’t for no class you wouldn’t have any class at all…liar loser

NO 1/2 THE COUNTRY DOESN’T BELIEVE THAT THERE WAS VOTER FRAUD THAT WOULD HAVE CHANGED THE ELECTION…that buddy is a lie…period…but go right ahead keep lying because if you don’t you won’t have anything to say

Hey while you looking for the non existent voter fraud maybe look into republiCON governors
committing fraud through voter suppression millions of Dems were suppressed by them…facts only

You got that right.
The fraud consisted of non-existent voters, like dead ones.

Such Republicans in both Houses are called RINOs and they have committed treason, punishable by death.

One has to ask, if the democrats and progressives were so sure that Biden had won and there was no fraud why don;t they insist that fraud claims be investigated?

Instead they did nothing and ran the clock out and today Biden serves under the cloud of fraud. Now they persecute trump in an effort to eliminate the fraud issue.

Hey limp wrist…you have a problem with the truth silly ass…once you come around to talking the truth
drop me a line but until the just stay down in the basement and beat it that’s if you can find it…in the mean time go clean you lips cuz your spending to much time up donnies ass…you’re all alike lying scumbags just like your messiah trumputin the con man liar murderer LOSER


hahaha there’s no fraud…just another cry baby retrumpliCON RANT TO HIDE WHAT DONNIE DID TO THIS COUNTRY…it won’t work no one gives a shit for your rants. you’re LOSERS DID YOU HEAR IT LOSERS…GO TO DOCmanHOLES AND DROWN YOUR SINS IN DIK…LOSERS

It doesn’t matter that some Americans think the election was stolen, that has NEVER been successfully demonstrated in court. And these people that think it’s incumbent upon democrats to prove Trump’s allegations wrong, are utterly ignorant of American law…:man_shrugging:

One has to ask why some here insist that democrats call for trumps fraud claims to be investigated when trumps own administration investigated the claims and found NONE to have any merit. Furthermore, the senate committee chaired by Republican Ron Johnson also investigated the fraud claims and also found nothing…

NO, Trump lost in a super landslide, we repudiated him and denied him a second term, and it’s over…

There is no room for unity with fraudsters.


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Yeah! He talks about credibility when he is in short supply of it! Go figure! Silly Liberals trix are for kids! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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81 cases in courts we are waiting for them to allow evidence… what’s da Matta lol

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