What Happens When Trump Loses?

That’s the damn truth. These people that want to vote for corrupt idiots that have been in DC for 40 years to “fix” DC are just ignorant.

They fix it to their advantage.

No, but being realistic about a convention of states to amend a constitution given how polarised the country is on almost every topic, is about as probable as winning the lottery!

IIRC, there are a number of states that have signed on to the convention of states. A few more need to be convinced.

Good Lord. Biden is a laughing stock; a joke. Quite frankly, all of the Dem hopefuls are. I think they are trotting out all of the buffoons because they don’t stand a chance in hell of winning 2020. So, they are saving whatever their big gun is for 2024.


That’s a little unfair to Biden - he may be a clumsy mediocrity, but he’s nowhere near the human cactus that Hillary is, force-fed to the Democrats by the Clinton machine.

The Dems can do a lot worse than nominating a clumsy mediocrity in their field of crazies.

The only person in the field I put in the same class as Hillary is Warren, she’s another human cactus. Cory Booker has some of those same qualities but he already looks like dogmeat. I’m not sure who is being pushed by the remnants of the Clinton machine - is there still a remnant not just cashing in on Hillary’s fading presence?

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There’s so much partisan BS in the op this is about all the reply it is due.

Courts issue subpoenas, they don’t “confirm them”.

Barring a total economic collapse in 2020 I don’t think anyone in the race currently is electable. I would not be surprised to see a brokered convention slipping in a ringer from the outside because the DNC leadership isn’t dumb enough to let a lunatic leftist be their standard bearer.

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Do the Dems have an X Factor that would be remotely capable of being president?,

If the current mob keeps trying to “out left” the others the right candidate could certainly swoop in just in time to seal the nomination and possibly win in November. Opinions on trump generally go one of two ways, people love him or absolutely hate him.

Well, lf Trump looses,we all loose.

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We’d all be winners if he got out and decided to retire and someone less polarizing replace him.

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We elected him BECAUSE he is not another wishy-washy apologist like Dole, McCain, Romney or GW…

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Assuming Trump a few things remain constant no matter which clown from th clown bus wins.

  1. The border will open widely.
  2. Taxes will rise.
  3. New regulations will b put in place.

And best of all a new devastating recession will begin.
The deficit will soar.

And the reality that it’s Trumps fault will he heralded in the media echoed by every leftist.

Yessir, just ask the DNC’s IT guy… BTW- welcome back Dan, long time no see- media matters send you here?

An Op-ed piece in the NYT today claims that just letting Trump be himself will cause his defeat. Perhaps, but for all his hyperbole, and moronic tweets- he believes in freedom
of speech, and all the other amendments.

The Dems have already shown who they are -

  1. Pack the SCOTUS, you know like other happy places like Venezuela, or Zimbabwe- they package it with “heal the SCOTUS, or we’ll do it”- didn’t know the SCOTUS, other than Ginsburg was sick
  2. Codify speech so that ‘hate speech’ can be ever expanded to whatever is expedient for control.
  3. Make the taxpayers pay for the profligacy of the Dem legislatures vis a vis State pension funds (1-2 TRILLION dollars)
  4. Give voting rights to tens of millions of illegal aliens to ensure an unbreakable plurality
  5. Crater the economy, and blame Trump
  6. Create new rules/standards for ‘Education’ that will be essentially anti White, anti cis gendered, anti male etc. propaganda.

And in most ways he’s been a train wreck even if you do agree with him on policy like I do.

We needed a president to end the divisiveness sown by Obama and instead Trump has made it worse, mostly with his thoughtless statements and tweets.

That’s a colossal understatement on all three.

Democrats will open the floodgates on the border.

Taxes will go up astronomically.

The most intrusive and obtrusive regulations in history will be passed and at an astronomical rate if we’re to believe even half of what they are promoting is what they intend.