What happens if Trump decides not to run for re-election?



“I could not in good conscience vote against a bill whose most significant impacts will be jobs, growth, and opportunity for struggling American families,” Cruz wrote after voting to fast-track TPP on May 22nd. “By passing Trade Promotion Authority, we create a path for trade agreements to reduce government-created barriers to prosperity,” Cruz said in a statement that could only be interpreted as support for TPP, since that was the trade agreement that was going to be sent to Congress if fast-track was adopted, as indeed is about to occur. Cruz continued, explaining that his vote for fast-track “would enable both this President and the next to expand trade that benefits American workers.”

Breitbart News Daily host Stephen K. Bannon pushed back against Miller’s assertion and asked about the fact that when a procedural matter unexpectedly caused the fast track to come up for another vote in the Senate, Cruz eventually reversed his vote to oppose fast track. Bannon asked: “Because of the work of Sen. Sessions and others — didn’t he [Cruz] actually see the error of his ways? And then at the appropriate time — or at least later — say, ‘Hey, look Mitch McConnell and the other guys lied to me.’ And he came out against TPA [trade promotion authority] and he’s coming out against TPP strongly.”

“No,” Miller replied. “He rallied support for the pact sufficient to ensure its passage and he cast the initial vote for its final passage when he and everyone else believed it was the final vote. All of the lobbying he did on behalf of the pact guaranteed its passage. If he had been silent, we probably would have defeated it. If he had lobbied against it — as he was morally bound to do — we would have defeated it. He was the difference maker.”

Of course the state of the economy is, up to now his real bright spot as far as his affect on the day to day lives of people… anything that would derail that economy… like inappropriate actions of the fed or democrats stonewalling necessary legislation could artificially destroy that bright spot… also, democrats never saw a war that they didn’t support… before they were against it.

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Almost every senate seat was in a ruby red or dark blue state. Dems picked up two, with Nevada probably gone for good. Rs did not pick up WV, or MT.

Cruz barely beat a leftist while Abbott cruised to reelection. Mcsally lost while Ducey won by double digits.

Rs lost House seats they won by more than 10 points previously. SC district flipped from R 21 to dem.

It’s not the number of seats dems won, it’s where they did it, often in deep red territory.

This needs to be a huge wake up call for the party. They did that badly even with a strong economy.

Yes dems are hypocrites when it comes to that.

The loss of the house had far more to do with the performance of the house.

The house did nothing for 2 years.

They were punished for it. What the non votes failed to realize that not voting gave the house to the dims and they will certainly be sorry for not participating.

If Trump decides not to run for reelection then maybe we will get someone who will run on the MAGA platform and actually implement it. Right Wing Death Squads would be an added bonus.

Try reading for yourself instead of regurgitating political talking points.

Fast track authority only gives the senate an up or down vote on trade deals negotiated by the POTUS.

He voted against TPP as the record shows.

He won a race in which the democrats poured in over a hundred million dollars and has most of the major media supporting their candidate as well.

In a three way contest Cruz still got over 50% of the vote as well.

There was no serious opposition to Abbott and never was.

The great thing about it is with dem’s throwing so much money at the Cruz/O"Rouke race their coffers are seriously bare going into 2020.

The fact remains in spite of record spending and some of the dirtiest races in history democrat’s performance this time around was subpar at best, well below the average, and way below expectations.

Trump can, and likely will turn the Rust Belt States back around in 2020 as they benefit more and more from his economic policies which always take time to filter through the economy.

People in this country are impatient children and expect instant change and gratification which is rarely even possible much less probable to come about.

China is still the thousand pound gorilla he’s got to turn around and tame before that’s possible and nobody with any understanding of China or what’s at stake with them expected a quick resolution.

WIth that and the 90% negative coverage of all things Trump and Republican in the press it’s no wonder they ended up despondent and reverted.

The problem here is thinking the midterms were about the economy. It was not.

And losing house seats that were R +10 and even R+20 should help prove that

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All of a sudden in the eleventh hour Republicans are popping up all over demanding funding for the wall… They get it but it is all BS…

Political theatre. A little late as there supporters didn’t show up for the election as the house republiCONS were missing in action for the last 2 years.

You can’t show that to be true. The fact is Trump’s promises to make lives better in the rust belt and coal country have been slow to materialize and that’s how he won them in the first place.

Add that to the constant 90% plus negative press about all things republican and Trump in particular and it was pretty well predestined.

Swing voters “swing”, that’s just what they do.

More like a wakeup call I think. Republicans have a long track record of failing to deliver on campaign promises until push comes to shove and even then it’s extremely difficult if not impossible to get them to vote as a block on any controversial issue.

We still then too have the problem of cloture in the senate which requires 60 votes to bring anything to the floor except under very specific circumstances like reconciliation.

Theoretically the house and senate could pass a budget bill, bring it back up for reconciliation after conference and add the border funding without getting 60 votes but as we saw with Obamacare that leaves a really bad taste in the mouths of the country.